It didn't take long for Dawn to reach the city where she was supposed to meet May. It'd been a while since they last saw each other, not since the Wallace Cup back in the Sinnoh Region when she was traveling with Ash Ketchum. In spite of beating May for the Wallace Cup title, there was a part of Dawn that still idolized the Princess of Hoenn, and made her want to impress May. Of course, with the surprise she had in store, she wasn't at all worried about that.
She went to the local Pokémon Center and found that she'd actually beaten May there, and so she left a message for Nurse Joy to deliver. May needed to meet her in the city, in a...conspicuously non-crowded and wide open area that left plenty of room. Her excuse to Nurse Joy was that she wanted plenty of room for their battle. That wasn't a total lie, of course. There would be a lot of space needed, but not just for the battle. Dawn giggled in excitement as she imagined the look on May's face.
For this meeting, the only Pokémon that Dawn let stay out of their Pokéball was Piplup. While the little penguin was incredibly jealous that he wasn't the one chosen to be the test subject for the poffins, he'd come to accept reality as it was and could now find it in him to support his trainer in whatever endeavor she had in mind. That made the whole scenario she had planned out much easier.
After about half an hour of waiting, she heard the sound of cheerful laughter, as none other than May was bounding towards her with a big smile on her face, and a whole new wardrobe to boot. "Dawn!"
"May!" The two girls laughed and hugged for a few moments, before Dawn broke the embrace to marvel at May's new look. "I absolutely love your outfit! Exchanged the bandana for something a little different I see."
"Yeah," May batted at the ties of the ribbon in her hair with a giggle. "I kinda like this better, it's a little girlier and totally me!" Then it was May's turn to give an assessment. "As for you, you haven't changed a bit! And I mean that in the best possible way!"
"Hey, I don't mind! This is my style and I'm sticking with it!"
"As you should! So...ready for that battle? I've been eager to show you some of the new techniques I've come up with since we last met. You must be anxious too with all the room you made sure we had. Here we'll have enough space to go all out!"
"I guess you could say that." Dawn giggled at the slightly confused expression on May's face. "In case you're wondering, my surprise has nothing to do with Piplup." Dawn picked up the penguin and affectionately placed him on top of her head. "He's here because I love him, isn't that right Piplup?"
"Pi plup!"
"Well I can't argue with that." May smiled. "In that case, I'll go ahead and show you who I've been working with first! Glaceon, come on out!" With a pop and a bright flash of light, May's ice-type evolution of Eevee emerged and stretched, ready for whatever was in store. "So I have to admit, I kind of took some inspiration from you and Ash for this technique. Alright Glaceon, use Ice Shard!" Immediately, Glaceon formed a ball of ice, and instead of shooting it, the chunk of ice was swallowed whole, and Glaceon's fur stood on end, sharp like icicles.
"Wow! Our move looks so good on Glaceon!"
"I know right? But don't assume all my new tricks are just copies of someone else's! I've got some original stuff in here too!" May wagged her finger at her fellow coordinator playfully. "So how about you Dawn? What've you been working on? Some flashy new moves?"
"Mmm...not exactly." Dawn said cryptically, causing May to raise an eyebrow. "Let's just say it'll make sure that Buneary will be the center of attention no matter what!"
"Oh it's your cute little Buneary you've been working with?! Awesome! Let's see!"
"Well okay!" Dawn exclaimed. "You uh...might wanna get behind me."
"Trust me." Dawn waited until May complied, confused as to what the purpose was. Once Dawn was satisfied, she nodded and grabbed Buneary's Pokéball. "Here goes nothing! Buneary, spoooootlight!" Dawn heaved the Pokéball as far as she could, sending it sailing across the street and far away from them.
"Dawn, what are you doing?"
"Wait for it." Dawn smirked. Seconds later, a massive flash of light emerged, and Buneary materialized...over 50 stories tall.
"No need to worry May!" Dawn exclaimed. "Hey Buneary! Take us up please!"
The rabbit Pokémon's booming voice echoed for miles, and she reached down and gently placed her trainer and her friend into her paw, the humans barely specks compared to her magnificent size. After her poffin binging, Buneary grew and grew and grew, her size increasingly dramatically as she continued eating more poffins. And once the growth finally came to a close, Buneary was happily towering over skyscrapers, over 600 feet tall!
"May, I'd like to reintroduce you to my little sweetheart," Dawn and Piplup both gestured towards the smiling giant Pokémon. "Buneary!"
May and Glaceon both just stared, slackjawed in complete and utter shock.
"So," Dawn giggled. "Ready for that battle?"
This is the 3rd and last part of the Buneary growing series. At least, unless someone has a suggestion to continue this story. Enjoy.
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pokemon trainer
4 years, 3 months ago
12 Nov 2020 15:28 CET
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