Character Sheet for Saxarb
Character Description
Saxärb is one of the higher demons of Bellmoral's mythology. Saxärb is an envious demon, it believes that he is answerable for deaths of little cubs and children (= sudden infant death syndrome).
Bellmoralians believe that he's son of goddess Feisa, Mistress of Death, but noone is sure about this.
Bellmoral, oficially Bellmoral's realm, is small country at the westerly side of Terra Infinita. Kingdom is division into nine administrative units, so-called protectorates, which are ruled by nine meaningful elvish families, yet control upon whole island having the wolfish royal dynasty Tawnee, in these days in the head with king Neory Irnis, the second.
Bellmoral has evolved mythology and religion - The Feith of Nine. Bellmoralians worship ten Gods which introducing primary elements, time, light, shadow and life with death. Last God is arch over all these and brings power, knowledge and recognition. Yet as the Gods, there are demons too; more precisely highest and lower demons.
With religion closely relates the main magic - Talent. Talented are individuals who control higher up mentioned ability of Gods, of course in lower scale. They're very respected in society, because most of them are doctors, members of special units of army, scientists,.. and many others.