Here is a partially updated history of Terradyne. This will be updated or resubmitted with the proper written work a couple of weeks down the road. Please any suggestions
Here is a basic idea of what Terradyne looks like. If anyone wants to do a proper rendering, please do so and link me to it so I can pimp you out. Also, any ideas for improving the following details about Terradyne and it's population, feel free to comment below.
Master’s Pet - Terradyne
By: Ainoko Ironrose
Details about the world and life in Master’s Pet
The world in Master’s Pet is set in an alternate universe/dimension that is highly advanced yet agrarian in nature.
Star System: Valora
White Hyper giant: Vaverde
Red Giant main sequence: Valishade
Grblc (Smallest planet at 4000 Km diameter) – Orbits Valishade
Lupis (2nd smallest planet at 5500 Km diameter) – Orbits Valishade
Udai (5th smallest planet at 9584 Km diameter) – Orbits Valishade
Ichea (9th smallest planet at 16000 Km diameter) – Orbits Vaverde
Ktmr (3rd smallest planet at 7412 Km diameter) – Orbits Vaverde
Qua (8th smallest planet at 14587 Km diameter) – Orbits Vaverde
Nareh (7th smallest planet at 13581 Km diameter) – Figure eight parabolic orbit around both stars
T’smr (4th smallest planet at 8316 Km diameter) - Figure eight parabolic orbit around both stars
Lu’Nar (6th smallest planet at 11942 Km diamter) - Figure eight parabolic orbit around both stars
B’Ting (11th largest)
Hammer (10th largest)
Spear (9th largest)
Terradyne (4th largest)
Hesh (6th largest)
Tandar (7th largest)
Daemon (8th largest)
Ursob (3rd largest 20x size of Terra)
Scala (5th largest)
Eebo (2nd largest)
Aween (Largest 25x the size of Terradyne)
The Valoran system at one point had three ‘dead’ super giant planets and four debris belts. The debris belts were located between Spear and Terradyne, Tandar and Daemon, Ursob and Scala, and between Eebo and Aween. The debris belts and three dead giants were used 1000s of years prior to construct the Latice.
The Latice is a flat disc that extends one light month to the North and South of the Blue super giant and extends 18 light months from the stars. The Latice is a ‘living’ structure with liquid plasma running through the 50Km thick structural beams feeding the defense systems (Omni directional planet buster cannons, shielding and other hidden defense systems), the advanced multiple personality A.I. system and computer, and communications systems.
It’s assumed that the Valorian star system is not one, but two separate star systems that collided and merged into one system many Eons ago. There are many clues that suggest that. The innermost nine planets rotate around the binary stars in a clockwise orbit with three orbiting Valishade, three orbiting Vaverde and three with parabolic orbits around both suns. Valishade and Vaverde orbit each other in a clockwise orbit. B’Ting, Hammer, Spear, Terradyne, Hesh, Tandar, and Daemon orbit the suns in a counter-clockwise fashion and the remainder orbit clockwise.
Terradyne is an Earth type, class M planet that is approximately 804000 Km in diameter. Depending on what data is used, Terradyne is either the 7th planet from the suns or the 13th planet due to the rather unique orbits of the 20 planets and suns. Terradyne is the only planet in the Valorian system that has both moons and rings. Terradyne’s rings begin about 298000 Km from the outermost atmospheric envelope and extend to about 2,400,000 Km to the outermost ring edge. The rings range from 15000 Km thick at the innermost ring to less than 1 Km at the outermost ring. Terradyne has six moons, two of which are life sustaining. Terradyne’s six moons are:
Aristee (85 rings and three moons: Hige *Whisker*, Ranpu *Rump* and Eyra *Ear*)
Ayama (Two moons: Hali *Tail* and Nef *Nose*)
Ayala (Five rings)
Sangria (One moon: Tsume *Claw*)
Minos (One moon Demos)
And as for the primary language of Terradyne...
The primary language for the Terradynnians is going to be a mix of about 6-7 different languages...
With a smattering of Zulu and Hausa for confusing humans and other species.
It is even more interesting, words from other languages are interchangeable, basically, there can potentially be 8 different words for hot (as an example) that are used interchangeably and in different contexts' making a artificial translator useless.
Terradyne has a mean tilt of 45 degrees with a planetary mean temperature of 28c or 85f degrees at the equator and -54c or -66f at the poles. There are 6 Major continents and 7 minor continents on the planet. Terradyne has 4 moons: Altair (the smallest), Demos (the largest habitable moon), Sangria 2nd largest) and Ozo (2nd smallest). Terradyne takes 1460 Earth days to orbit Vaverde and Valishade and is located approximately 65.47045057641 AU or about 9,794,240,000 Km from its suns. Terradyne has a rotational period of 45 hours.
A full lunar/solar eclipse when all six moons, both suns and all 20 planets are in alignment is very rare and celebrated when it occurs.
The Population of Terradyne is 80 billion of which, 2.6 billion are slaves (which will be discussed later in this presentation). Terradyne is home to well over 50 sentient species Lions, Tigers, Cheetahs, Wolves, Foxes, Coyotes, Rabbits, Bats, Humans, Badgers, Nagas, Dragons, Horses, Zebras, Dogs, Cats, Leopards, Frogs, Dolphins, Whales, Mice, Rats, Voles, Weasels, Ferrets, Apes, Chimpanzees, Monkeys, Fossa, Gazelles, Deer, Wolverines, Sharks, Octopi, Bears, Shrews, Lemurs, Otters, Sergals, Skunks, Squirrels, Ocelots, Lynxes, Panthers, Cougars, Kangaroos, Mongoose, Minks, Pandas, and Hyenas.
At one point in Terradyne’s past there was over 1000 sentient species, but due to predation and retaliation the number of species was reduced dramatically until it stabilized at the current count. What stopped the decimation of sentient species was a covenant that was instituted centuries ago that prevented entire species from being wiped out by predators or prey when they retaliated.
The covenant dictates that should a predator species raid a prey species, they are only allowed to kill no more than three family lines of any prey, not to mention that in order to keep a family line form disappearing completely, no less than two young from what line is being killed for food is spared and left to rebuild that line for 6 generations.
Due to the numerous sentient species the lifespan varies. For example the lifespans for the major species…
Dragons: Lifespan eons (unknown at this time)
Rabbits, Lemurs, Otters and Foxes: Approximately 2500 years.
Wolves, Cheetahs and all canid and felinid species: Approximately 1600 years
Nagas: 500 years
Humans, Mice, Rats, Weasels, Lemurs, Ferrets and Shrews: 250 years
Dolphins, Whales, and Octopi: 700 – 750 years
All equine, bovine type species are the 2nd longest lived on the planet living up to approximately 2800 years
All other species lifespans vary between 250 – 1000 years
World economy: Terradyne’s economy is platinum based
1 Platinum round = 1000 Gold rounds
1 Gold round = 250 Silver rounds
1 Silver round = 100 Copper rounds
As stated earlier, Terradyne has a population of 80 billion people, of which 2.6 billion are slaves. Slavery on Terradyne is a major aspect of the economy. There are two types of slaves, Nareh and Udai.
Nareh slaves are those citizens who choose to live life as a slave. These citizens sign contracts that last from 100 years or until the day they pass on. They are held in high regard and treated with respect. Nareh are not immune from hard labor even though they can be found performing more of the lighter tasks, street sweeping, housekeeping, pleasure houses, some governmental duties, etc. Nareh are allowed to wear clothing but only at a bare minimum to be comfortable.
The Udai slaves are those who have been forced into slavery by committing crimes against nature, crimes against civilization, prisoners of war, etc. Udai are rarely seen in public, and usually only when being led to the mines for hard labor. Udai are not allowed to wear clothing of any type.
Both the Nareh and Udai are allowed to marry and bear children, cubs, etc. But if they marry a free citizen, they will remain a slave until their contract expires, in the case of an Udai marrying a free citizen, they will remain a slave until their death. When either a Nareh or Udai gives birth, their young belong to both worlds. When the young become adults (usually at the age of 50), they have to choose which life they want to live.
When the Nareh enters the slave market, they are sent to auction houses to be sold as property to their new owners after they go trough a lengthy training regimen. 20% of the final sale price for any Nareh is put into an account that they can access to purchase needed necessities. Nareh can purchase a slave or two themselves and are wholly responsible for that slave’s care and well being.
The Udai on the other hand don’t receive the benefit account that the Nareh receive upon getting sold. Udai slaves only attain freedom on the day that they die.
Other than being named after two of the Valorian planets, the only thing that both the Udai and Nareh slaves have in common is an intricate gold and silver band of living metal around their left arm. The living metal is a parasitic entity that relies on the slave’s bio-electric rhythms to survive. The Nareh and Udai have said that during the process when the metal works its way into their arm and bonds with them, is similar to ones limb falling asleep and waking up, pins and needles. Once the band has been bonded to the slave, it is there until the slave dies, as both the slave and metal rely on each other. Currently no one knows how to safely remove the metal without killing the slave, yet scientists are using some Udais as test subjects to find a way to do that.
Terradyne’s technological level is 1000s of years ahead of Earth’s. One can find the tech all over the planet if they were to look hard enough. The vast majority of Terradyne’s technology is integrated into everything around them, plants, homes, everything. The technology there would be considered biological/technical, high tech but agrarian.
4 years, 2 months ago
09 Nov 2020 00:17 CET
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