This art was a test with the hyper colorful while I tried painting in digital. Instead of working from Color to start, I decided to try making a greyscale underniether and then multiply-layering the colors over the top of it. Here are the things I learned.
Firstly, if I ever try this again, I should make all body parts into seperate pieces and not just one. When I paint with color, its all just one layer, but when it came time to put the color onto this, I couldn't make areas between different colors look well.I was only able to do a gradient so some of the floof is lost in places like where the ears meet the head.
Secondly, this was just as much work to do as if I just started in color in the first place. This method didn't make it easier for me to create this artwork at all. I still floofed and shaded, and then afterwards I had to add in the color, and the end results were still very similar.
And lastly, I have come to the conclusion that I need more practice in bright colors. The last two artworks this and my Uluri headshot, still came out similar. Both did not come out the way I wanted trying two different methods. I think that means I need to play with colors a lot more in the Yellow and Orange field. I need to understand how Yellows and oranges shade and practice that more. Them wam colors baffle me. XD I will get better with them eventually.