Cyrus Stands 6 Feet and 2 inches tall, has blue spiky short hair and pair of chunky eyebrows and a moustache goatee combo all the same colour as his hair he wares an original 1980 Ghostbusters jumpsuit replica accompanied by a current model PKE-visor
Gear of Choice:
he uses and traditional proton pack with a Proton Blaster, and is very much an old school Ghostbusters fanboy
When Activated via his visor with a swipe to the left on the front facing panel Cyrus will fuse with his Wolf companion to become Wulfy a fully Anthropomorphic grey ghostly wolf in a stylish jumpsuit and a thick blue mane of hair
Transformation Powers:
along with animalistic Ability's such as hunting, speed and overall strength increases, he also gain a small amount of ghost ability like phasing through walls, able to turn intangible and the ability to enter ghost portals also his proton blaster morphs into a crossbow