Geez, Lewis! He just started transforming one day, what's so hard to understand about that!?
Heh, so Shine's pretty thoroughly based on me, and this is very much a thing I do. I'll be very calm right up until I'm VERY MUCH NOT. Shine's feeling pretty backed into a corner, and Lewis' demands for answers he has no way of having is a guaranteed way to get his back up. Even worse is the fact that, though they definitely don't "deserve" answers, and nor does Shine "owe" them anything, "What's going on?" is absolutely a reasonable question. Because what do you know, Shine?
I love writing scenes where everyone's right, and everyone's wrong. This moment is a mix of both, and I love it.
I still can't believe I almost went forward with this comic without the prologue. Yeaaah, this scene's kinda a lynchpin scene in a lot of ways, but in the initial draft, it was also where the "Shine spontaneously transformed into an alicorn from being human" bomb was dropped. Yeaaaah, that would've been a mistake. Even in a non-webcomic-format that took two years to get to this point...whoop!