no.1: Dr. Wily - Mega Man
And here we are at the end, and it's not another balding, mustachioed-man in a lab co-OH DAMMIT! Well, all generic appearances aside Wily, to me, is the undisputed champion of this countdown. Yes, I did struggle a bit on putting him and Robotnik on even footing and while it is true that both of them are mustache-centric baldies who fight a never ending battle for world domination with an army or robots against a blue arch nemesis, in the end, one truly reigns supreme. Why is that you may ask? What makes Wily so much more deserving of being top dog, even while the two are virtually the same? It's simple... and I'll tell you.
While both strive to rule the world through their machinery, Robotnik's methods have always been more simple and straight laced. Beat Sonic and conquer the world. Sure, there's been a few summoning of eldritch beings here and there but for the most part, Robotnik has a sort of conduct that he up keeps. Robotnik is also at the end of every zone, you expect him and it lessens his impact as the series central villain. Wily however, not only is always reserved for the final confrontation of each game but has absolutely no tact. There are no depths to which this aging ass-face will not sink to to see his dreams fulfilled. Don't believe me? Well let's go over Wily's rap sheet of his crimes against humanity, shall we?
To start, he double-crossed his once best friend by reprogramming the robots they made for the betterment of mankind to help him conquer the world; pretended to turn over a new leaf so that he could have others help him reach a better power source, then use it against them; Kidnapped a man's daughter and extorted him to make robots for him, so that he could work in the shadows without being noticed; Pit Mega Man's own brother against him; Staged a fake robot fighting tournament, wherein he stole and reprogrammed said robots to work for him; Had counter measures set that if he were ever incarcerated, special robot masters would be released, wreak havoc and bust him out (and did just that!); Harnessed pure evil itself as a fuel source; Created a robot specifically to continue his rivalry with Mega Man, well after his death; Framed Dr. Light for a virus he created, meant to destroy robots and forced them to work for him so that they would have it removed, which would later go on to develop into such a potent virus that it would eventually bring about the apocalypse! He is literally the man too angry to die and he did ALL this... just because he was jealous.
Now THAT is what I call a villain. Sure, he may follow a similar formula but the means to which he achieves them are insane! This is why Wily has always been among of my favorite video game villains of all time and why he deserves no less then top billing, not only for Halloween but among all his other mad scientists peers. No other share that same level of tenacity and nigh immortality that he does, and living on past death is just the kinda guy I want representing my All Hallows Eve! SO, until next year my friends, stay scared!
mega man
halloween countdown
mad doctor
dr wily
4 years, 4 months ago
31 Oct 2020 06:25 CET
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