Character Sheet for Gerald Oberson
Gerry (pronounced like Jerry)
Character Description
Gerald is Simon’s 20-Year Old hipster roommate who listens to the band The Streets. He is a Gray Catbird with a Snout instead of a beak. He is part-hippie part-cares about Simon not freaking out. His hair is dyed Lavender most of time but often he will also dye his hair other colors like dark green and magenta. His natural hair color is a mystery, but his mother has Black Hair. He’s the only character who is known to like Coffee. He is Asexual and might be romantically attracted to Women, albeit very picky about them. He enjoys British Culture to the fullest. His favorite color is Lavender. He speaks in a less exaggerated surfer dude type voice. He has his own public access show on Crapston’s TV network titled, Gerald Shows Something Off. Some of his friends call him “Gerry.” He has also tried exploring his romantic attraction by dating Scarlett, and he seems to be really close to her, but still wants to be platonic. He and Scarlett attended Wet Rivers Academy as children. He is from Albirda, Canada. Bows are his preferred weapon, though he can also use swords and lances.
Quirky, “Hip,” Friendly, Wild, Ecstatic, Relaxed, Carefree, Has a thorough understanding of Simon’s mind
Likes: Collecting things, British culture, The Streets, Dyeing his hair, Scarlett (to an extent), Coffee, His public access show, Archery
Dislikes: Simon‘s attitude (very rarely)
Gerald spent his entire childhood in Albirda, Canada, where he attended school with his best friend Scarlett. After graduation, Gerald later moved to Em’s World to pursue further education at Cranston Community College.
Mayra (mom), Leonard (dad)
Albirda is a parody of Alberta, a real-life Canadian province.
Gray body, lavender hair shaved on one side, snout instead of beak, nostrils on snout
In this image, Gerald is wearing a white t-shirt with purple sleeves and purple sweatpants; he is also barefoot. He wears a different outfit in each episode.
His rock collection (sometimes)