Much like his daughter, Connor always took his responsibility to the people under his care very seriously. He was a king from a long line of kings and queens, going back a thousand years to his first barbarian ancestors who laid the foundations for his kingdom. He was never, officially, a soldier. By his day things had settled down somewhat, and neither his father nor his grandfather ever so much as touched a sword. They had whole armies to fight for them instead. Connor, though, was never content to sit on the sidelines and, inspired by his brief love affair with Deirdre Lohan, he began to take a much more active role in the governance and especially the defense of his realm.
Connor was a character in my first novel, and like Fiachra he's one of the few male characters I've created who I feel really worked right. He was the king of a small city-state populated mostly by foxes and, more importantly, he's Ciara's father and possibly the greatest positive influence in her life except for Niamh. I think, too, that of all the characters I've killed off over the course of any story, Connor's death is the one I most regret.