Her name is Silk Snare, and she harbors aspirations of some day ruling all of Equestria. I made a Tumblr, it can be found here: http://silksnare.tumblr.com/ I don't really have anything there, yet, but I'll be working on it some later. She is currently accepting applicants for her Minion Army.
Spinneret Silk Weave Dream Catcher Dream Weaver Nightmare Black Magic Samhain (Pronounced Sow-inn, and is the original Gaelic word for Halloween.) Silk Wick Morgana Morgan Web Charlotte (lol)
Lol that's awesome. As for a name how about: Spinneret Silk Weave Dream Catcher Dream Weaver Night
Scootaloo and Lady Hen applied at the same time, very confusing. She decided to choose based on which one got the most air time when flung from a catapult. Or as they say in Equestria, *shades* "Coltapult" (YEEAAAAH!)
She may decide to recruit Scootaloo, after all though. Lady Hen hasn't been pulling her own weight.
Scootaloo and Lady Hen applied at the same time, very confusing. She decided to choose based on whi