Character Sheet for Dakota Vari
Character Description
A tall, intimidating young woman, Dakota's the bassist/vocalist of the Night Angels, a metal band of Arctureans from Earth. She loves the punk aesthetic and tries her best to look good, and draw attention, from her shiny leather skirts to her brightly colored hair, she loves making herself stand out and be "different."
Dakota's forward, caring, a bit tough, and doesn't open easy.
Likes: music, being on stage, her bandmates
Dislikes: having to be in large groups, having to talk to a lot of people outside of a ," hi, yes, thank you," and stuff like that.
Dakota was born on Earth, in Virginia, so she has a bit of that sweet, southern belle in her. She was raised in one of the small ultra conservative holdouts that had all but faded by the 23rd century. She was made to go to church, dress like a woman in long skirts or dresses, any rock/metal was the devil's work, she wasn't allowed to do anything a normal girl should have been allowed to by that time. By 16, she had enouh, and ran away from home, legally she was an adult by Arcturean standards, so she could. What followed was roughly 6 months of rebellion, drinking, partying, then everything fell apart, she got into a bad spot and almost died from something she doesn't like talking about.While in the hospital, she started listening to music, and stumbled upon the world of rock an dmetal, then after she got out, she started looking for girls that wanted to perform too. Thus the Night Angels were born.
her parents are still alive but she doesn't have anything to do with them, her only family she associates with are her bandmates.
SHe exists in my Arcturean Univese though she lives on Earth
Dakota stands 6 feet tall and is slender. she has a primarily white furry body with gray arms and markings on her face and neck, black fur right at where her hands start. She has dark green eyes and her hair is naturally black, though she has it dyed in bright colors, blue in this pic.
She tends to wear a bit of anything, though she prefers darker tones to bright pastels. she favors short skirts, usually made of leather. For bed she prefers long nightgowns.
Her piercings and collar, sometimes wristbands.