After Xan learned a valuable lesson last year, that is to say, Halloween + spooky costume = tons of sweets, the young frog wasn't to hold back to slip into a costume too this year, hop (literally) from door to door and trick or treat for all the sweets.
I only see a cute frog into a ... little less, it is a floofy costume....that is cute too.....nothing scary here XD Still....i happen to have too much sweets only for myself, do you happen to want some ?
I only see a cute frog into a ... little less, it is a floofy costume....that is cute too...
Eh, i see you have quite the jumpin skills. So what about *open a drawer in a furniture nearby and take an average plastic bag full of sweets* ... your reception skills ! *throw the bag in the air with all his might* XP
Eh, i see you have quite the jumpin skills. So what about *open a drawer in a furniture nearby and t
*looks at the bag full of sweets with big eyes and jumps after them* *Catches them and lands with a roll, making his costume-head slip in his fave* Xan: Got it, mister. Thanks, you *smiles*
*looks at the bag full of sweets with big eyes and jumps after them* *Catches them and lands with a
You are welcome ! Also be careful, there is some that are .... how can i say that... extra spicey (yes in the sens you might spit fire after eating them) ^^
You are welcome ! Also be careful, there is some that are .... how can i say that... extra spicey (y