LoL... love how Josie’s mom slyly and calmly references the porn side of her daughter’s business. Has she watched many of the porn films her daughter has been in? Does she have her own collection of the CnC porno productions? That would be quite an unusual “momma’s scrapbook of their child’s achievements”, wouldn’t it?
LoL... love how Josie’s mom slyly and calmly references the porn side of her daughter’s business. Ha
Careful Momma, you'd best wait until Josie's finished her drink before suggesting you know what she's doing, or you might just wind up with that drink in your face.
Careful Momma, you'd best wait until Josie's finished her drink before suggesting you know what she'
Actually, I'd imagine they probably are doing fairly good business. If you're one of the only local shops still catering to a niche market, that can put you in a pretty good position.
Actually, I'd imagine they probably are doing fairly good business. If you're one of the only loca