Character Description Born Scathach Shatastralska, the dragoness grew up with her father, 3 older brothers and 2 younger ones. She was born mute but learned how to express herself with her body and eventually learning to "talk" by writing out dialogue by tracing her finger in the palms of those she wanted to talk with. Her father was a renowned warrior who raised his children to be strong, but not uncaring. Despite not being the eldest sibling, Scathach was more mature than most of them. She had the biggest heart of the family; compassionate to everyone she came to knew. Even while abundantly caring, being raised in a dominantly male home made the dragoness just as competitive as her brothers. As Scathach learned to compensate for her lack of speech with physical expression, she naturally developed a deep love for dancing, but grew more and more shy about it as she got older.
Once she became a soldier, Scathach would discover her talent for fighting through realizing her conviction; if she wanted to keep herself and others safe, she'd need to depend on herself being the best fighter. Her legendary skills with her spear and quiteness earned her a reputation as a fierce warrior. To Scath's dismay, this would lead to fellow soldiers unfamiliar with her condition and open-heart to fear her; acting rigidly and avoiding her. Wanting to disprove the misconceptions, Scath expressed her compassion openly with everyone she met. Excluding most of her superior officers, she gave a warm smile as she passed by her comrades-- even giving those that returned her friendliness a grateful hug.
While regarded as legendary amongst the knights of Eldritch, there was one knight who was even more skilled than her; Ornstein, the Head Knight of Eldritch's forces. Her inner competitiveness drove her to develop a friendly rivalry with him, and quickly became close friends with him since he reminded him of her little brothers.
Likes Inferno Training Dancing Ornstein Hot Springs Making friends Talking Making bets Wine
Relatives/Family in TTTK Inferno: Husband Drax Jr: Son
Clothing Armor pictured, sleveless dresses, sarongs, tank tops