Since my regular output of pictures has been taking a nap recently (because I'm working like crazy on commissions!), I decided that I would at least share one new picture with you.
This one was based off a sketch I got from pandadox as a gift, for helping him out with a bit of money problems, back in november. Here is the original picture: LINK By the way, check out his other stuff, he draws some really cool things. :)
Since then I wanted to color the sketch, since I really liked it, but never got around to it. I worked on it for a bit here and there but only slowly moved forward. Lately, I've been working on a bit more in between commissions and now I finally finished it.
Heehee ^w^ At first I thought he was reeeaaaly sad, but on second observation, he looks happy {D The expression is wonderful ^w^ (At least IMO) It can give the picture multiple meanings and feel completely natural too ^w^
Heehee ^w^ At first I thought he was reeeaaaly sad, but on second observation, he looks happy {D The