I won't give you any pity because you have drawn this at midnight ! Because it is awesome and don't deserve any XP
Yeah, the eye in the center of the picture make that we only see it (still it is nice so no worries on that).XD
Now let's talk about what i like shall we ? The smiley earning, the necklace, the teeth poking out, the tongue that is nicely done, the shiny effect of the eyes, the shiny effects in the background, the whites stitches in the outfit...did i talk about the necklace ? ... Oh and the color in the hair.
I won't give you any pity because you have drawn this at midnight ! Because it is awesome and don't
aww, thats so sweet of you <3 yes thats exactly what I meant as well, haha it seems like the thumbnail is a great way of checking the overall arrangement.
so u basically like everything about it. mwah haha
aww, thats so sweet of you <3 yes thats exactly what I meant as well, haha it seems like the thumbna