Another magic item. This one is actually from the pathfinder game I'm in. Earlier in the campaign, my character Kyinn made a little charm out of wood to give her friend Mimi (another PC played by my good friend Cortawsome) as she parted from everyone, that character's magic familiar, a fae dragon, cast a spell of some kind on it to make the two charms (the one my character made and the much jankier prototype she made) so they were linked and could speak to one another. A charm of farspeak, if you will... or even, a Kitty Charm of Farspeak, specifically. I had it in my character sheet for a while and we kept them even after this character came back into the game. Just now in this evening's session, that same character was leaving a second time and probably for good, so her fae friend cast another spell and created a bunch more charms for each of the party and made the existing ones look a little neater (including mine). So I felt it fitting I make a proper piece of art for it! We had many jokes about calling and texting each other. Especially since the GM's kittne kept mewing for attention i nthe background and we decided that that was the sound of recieving a text message on the charm XD We imagined the lil tongue comes uot with a scroll. Here's what I imagine it looks like as someone is speaking through it, kinda like the light fluctuates in response to the voice levels.