for being so patience with me and for understanding my situation. :3
I'm still practicing the New method and Eventually I should nail it down in a couple of months. Thank you so much for your support, it really brings out the best in me. :3
Since you are a watcher of mine and are so nice to me: I'll tell you. :3 The 3D software(s) I'm using is Earthship's MMD rendering Techniques and (Custom Maid 2: 3D) Furry Pack 8. MMD (Miku Miku Dance 4K ultra) is the execution program, Koikatsu-11.2 is for model making, and Normal Maps Overlays for the tough details. Vroid for the highlights. Blender for advance mod-making :3
A lot people give me so much hate when I try to tell them how I do these pics. They always assume I use [ONE] program and all the special effects are just magically there. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It also really sucks on, how much effort I put into these pics and Everyone assume it just too me 10 minutes to do.
Since you are a watcher of mine and are so nice to me: I'll tell you. :3 The 3D software(s) I'm usin
Ahh you too kind. So yeah MMD and the other programs Make sure it is 4k ultra or else you gonna end-up with the terrible Vanilla Miku render models. Thanks for stopping by. :3
Ahh you too kind. So yeah MMD and the other programs Make sure it is 4k ultra or else you gonna end