En el Universo de Mangled, Splash Woman desapareció de la zona Splash Blue X y Skyller se había quedado encargada de cuidar la zona. Después tuvo Mangled que pedirle a Skyller que le dejara la zona para que así ella regresará al Castillo Marino ubicado en la Alianza de la Luz.
Mangled 9 FC: Skyller nada en Splash Blue X para buscar a Mangled, pero Splash Woman se aparece y con bastante violencia saca su Splash Trident para así atacar a la zorra acuática. De lo tan rápido que iba Splash Woman, Skyller no le daba chance de atacarla. A la final ella tuvo que sacar su Lanza Escarcha y es allí donde se defiende lo más rápido posible. En un descuido Skyller atraviesa su Lanza en el cuerpo de Splash Woman y esta le clava su tridente. Splash Woman muere primero y Skyller herida tuvo que salir de inmediato de la zona, mientras nadaba ella estuvo pensando en lo que había hecho. Descubre que la Splash Woman que ella mató, era falsa por lo que le quedó claro que la real aún podría estar viva.
Arte hecha por: RowserlotStudios1993rowserlotstudios1993. Digitalizado por: Mangled
. Splash Woman pertenece a MegaMan 9 por Capcom. ----- In the Mangled Universe, Splash Woman disappeared from the Splash Blue X zone and Skyller was left to take care of the area. Later, Mangled had to ask Skyller to leave the area so that she would return to the Sea Castle located in the Alliance of Light.
Mangled 9 FC: Skyller swims in Splash Blue X to look for Mangled, but Splash Woman appears and quite violently takes out her Splash Trident to attack the water fox. Of how fast Splash Woman was going, Skyller gave him no chance to attack her. In the end she had to take out her Frost Spear and it is there that she defends herself as quickly as possible. In an oversight Skyller pierces her Spear into the body of Splash Woman and it nails her trident. Splash Woman dies first and the injured Skyller had to immediately leave the area, while swimming, she was thinking about what she had done. She discovers that the Splash Woman that she killed was a fake so it became clear to her that the real one could still be alive.