I'm under a lot of stress right now, and I havent been able to draw as much lately. I do have a drawing thats almost finished, but i hate going so long without anything to show for it. So here's another little sample of what I have been posting on my Patreon. I have quite a few of these sketchy style drawings up there. Just thought i would let ya know....
Hey CJ Don't burn yourself out.. I had to take a few days off work because stress was making me so upset I was throwing up at work.. It's not worth it..
Take a break.. We will be here for ya. !
And I like this one too she looks like she needs an electrolytes bath!! LOL
Hey CJ Don't burn yourself out.. I had to take a few days off work because stress was making me so
Thanks, but it's actually over the prospects of a new job. It's a very rare opportunity and I've been working really hard to get my resume ready before the deadline. I'm doing everything in my power to ensure that I get this job. So for the next couple weeks I'm going to be waiting on pins and needles hoping I get an interview.
Thanks, but it's actually over the prospects of a new job. It's a very rare opportunity and I've bee
Thank you, that means a lot. I'm actually now too worried about the interview, I'm more worried about getting the interview. It's a really rare opportunity and I want it reeeaaal bad. I've gotten every job that I've interviews for, so I'm trying to make a resume that they can't say no to.
Thank you, that means a lot. I'm actually now too worried about the interview, I'm more worried abou