a more successful redraw, more true to the design of my old OC!! Her old name was just sounds mashed together ("sina") but Avvy helped me think of a nicer name for her in the modern day... So she goes by "Cirsha now.
actually, her species was a derivative of shaymin's sky forme... I had a dream years ago about walking along these floating islands, way up in the clouds, and discovering a colony of "shaymin dogs". They were soaring in the air, livings amidst these ruins (actually, I know the environment was inspired by Laputa in Castle in the Sky....!!)
This dream left a lasting impression on me. I actually still vividly recall the visuals and details. I had to draw what I saw... I designed several "dogs" but in the end, only one stood out to me.. the unusually colored blue girl, Cirsha!! I drew her often, in my notebooks and on the back of worksheets. She was very special to me... She was quite sad, isolated, and very submissive in nature.
(... avvy has drawn very beautiful art of her for me!! T-T)