Character Sheet for Maximilian Mathews
Character Description
Max is a shy a nervous young adult who is stressed out a lot. He is mostly quiet even around friends but people who know him can tell if he's happy or sad.
The quiet type who sticks to himself at a party but if you have something in common he'll talk to you for hours. Friendly and kindhearted, he tries his best to be nice to everyone.
likes: bugs, comic books, anime, video games, girls, girly guys
Dislikes: loud crowds, country music, Mexican food, alcohol
Just your average kid with college stress and pressure for future careers. He thinks he might be a lawyer but is unsure as of now.
5ft 10 and 145 lbs. Two-toned grey fur with baby blue fur at the end of his tail, in his ears, and around his neck. He has large blue eyes that have no pupils.
Black leather jacket that he zips up. Usually wears youtuber shirts or similar nerd shirts. Blue jeans or khaki slacks. Wears sneakers