The first image from the muscle-themed stream show and probably my favorite, even if I messed up his right arm. I'm not sure why I wanted to draw this particular picture so badly.
Who wouldn't want to turn down an ordained raccoon warrior's muscular venture into eternal accomplishment and bliss? He looks totally dead-set on pulling through to the bitter end in order to fulfill his mission to God. Such a sweet pic! No wonder its your favorite from that evening. :) Everything just "WORKS" in this. The anatomically-correct muscular tones in his chest and shoulders (yes even that right arm), the determined facial expression, that sweet tuft of goldenrod-orange hair.... EVERY-thing. ;D
Seeing anything ^ringtailed and ^cute working together in a single pic also tends to do the trick for me every time. :3
Who wouldn't want to turn down an ordained raccoon warrior's muscular venture into eternal accomplis