I keep two magnums in my desk. Ones a gun and i keep it loaded. The others a flask and it keeps me loaded. Im tracer bullet and im a professional snoop.
I keep two magnums in my desk. Ones a gun and i keep it loaded. The others a flask and it keeps me l
Imagine being in a bar and seeing this. what do you do? It is a tough question, and a lot of things could go wrong. Can you reach the man with words, actions, so on and so forth? These are the moments i live for, not for the rush, or rewards but because sometimes it can be a single moment in a person's life when things all just turn around.
Imagine being in a bar and seeing this. what do you do? It is a tough question, and a lot of things
If you're repentant - as your name suggests - you'll be actively trying to make things better, rather wallowing in self-pity with simple designs of adding a .38 caliber air duct to your skull. At least take off your hat and coat. Someone might have a use for those.
If you're repentant - as your name suggests - you'll be actively trying to make things better, rathe