To all fans of BNA: Brand New Animal (2020) and Leilanis series. I give you my latest commission and last commission for the Month of July this year. After watching BNA twice and several times more and becoming a fan of the characater Elsa and with the webcomics new comer and former animator for disney and many other animated projects from the 80s and 90s, becoming the new artist for "The Depths", proceeding in her place and since he's new to this community.
I figured my first commission form him would be nice fighting piece with my original character jacob, who's clearly stopping the girls, before they wreck Gram-Grandmas place any further then they've already have. That and i wanted to see my favorite tough, bad, sexy and beautiful gals duke it out. Now, jacob wouldn't interfere in malanas fights normally. He loves seeing her fight others who can be just as tough as her. But when things do tend to get out of hand or go too far in a fight. That's when he'll interfere.
Wanna thank Roy once again for your hard work on this one and they'll be more to come form him, besides seeing his art skill for the next pages to come for this series. Starting with page 100.
Now, while roy was working on sketches. I decided to ad some dialog to this. I felt like it would be nice see jacob engage in a conversation with two tough bad gals in the middle of fight. Plus, when it comes to some fights he sees two individuals that look like about to kill each other. He would stop them. However, in this case he must. Cause when Gram Grandma sees the mess these two have made. Hohooh boy, jacob's gonna have his tail on a platter for letting Elsa and Malana engage in this challenge, as they like to call it, LOL!
Wanna give a shout out to both roy for his tremendous art skills and RiffRaffCat for helping me out with the dialog.
Yes, roy debuted his art style for "The Depths" on the 100th page for this series and i'm glad this webcomic, that leilani, RiffRaffCat, KinoJaggernov and many others worked so hard to have made this far for everyone see there h'otters more as the story proceeds and all thanks to all of you Depths for helping her and team out. Thank you all for the support, give jim a watch and he takes commissions too. Be sure to note him when you ask him, take good care everyone, god bless to all, more pieces are to come in the future and have a good one! *^^*
You can also support all three projects on Tapas too! They could use your help in funding all 3 and would be very happy for any helping hand you can give to them. *^^*