Ah, the advantages of long hair. This is utterly adorable, and the way her hair is providing some helpful cover actually makes this sexier than if she were simply naked with everything showing, I think. It's very elegant, too, and I really like the floral pattern/decorations on her tail and legs. Also, hooray for more Hexfoxen (Hexfoxens?). They really are such nifty critters.
Ah, the advantages of long hair. This is utterly adorable, and the way her hair is providing some he
Oh my. Lady luck in hexefoxen form! And she's so darn cute, too! I agree with what Megan said about the hair, too. It is much sexier this way, and but for the lack of a horse puts me in mind, for some reason, of Lady Godiva. Perhaps because all the pictures I remember of her have her hair similarly positioned to cover her.
Though the comments regarding species building remind me that I've always been kind of curious as to the proper pronunciation of their species name. I want to pronounce it "hex" as in a magical curse and "fox-in" as in fluffy vulpines. (Though I seem to remember you saying they're more feline in nature?) But since there's that extra "e" in the middle, I'm curious as to whether it's silent or not? Or what your official pronunciation is? If you don't mind my asking?
Oh my. Lady luck in hexefoxen form! And she's so darn cute, too! I agree with what Megan said about
I wasn't sure what to call her, but then I couldn't pass the opportunity of something easy when looking for something luck related!
And I'm bad with phonetics, but I'm guessing something like "hex-eh-fox-in"! The "foxen" part is actually a misnomer! In the lore, it was given to them back in the times they didn't integrate into society and we're rarely seen, and we're named that because of their fluffy, fox-like tails. It also plays into their trickster nature!
I wasn't sure what to call her, but then I couldn't pass the opportunity of something easy when look