's characters it give me more pic drawing practice i just reused my sketches here https://inkbunny.net/s/2229322 to draw his in there pokemon form and in style pokemon cafe mix style and i have to find raichu references to draw pokemon in chibi style of raichu in the style of app game its shame why don't they have raichu in that game heheh im sure sweetchu can fill in the part i acutely like finishing results of the pic hope you like your surprise gift too its cutesy overloud here
<X3 aw i originally wanted draw 3 more of chocochu's Pokemon characters he owns and co owns with his peeps oh well maybe next time when i have time to draw some his other poke characters cuz i only had time for 3 his main ones ;3 and who knows if his curious to see his other Pokemon characters in Pokemon cafe mix style he can ask me anytime he like
choco: owo; oh hi there guys i got this job at this cafe boy its hard work but hey least i get to snack on the foods and get free goodies for employees here when its my lunch break
cottonchu: mmmmn oh this shave ice and ice cream taste yummy *lick lick the ice cream one top*
cuttiechu: hey sis that's for the customers you can have some when were on our lunch break