Character Sheet for Faye
Character Description
On the surface, he presents himself as bubbly, ditzy, and a little flirty. But secretly he's actually quite intelligent and uses other individuals' perception of him to trick and manipulate them to his advantage. He's a bit of a thief.
If he's trying to con someone, he can either come across as a bubbly airhead, or a straight-up slut. But when someone has earned his respect enough to be labelled a "friend" (or more), he lets the ditzy act drop- though in truth he can still be on the energetic and flirty side even then.
Likes: Milkshakes and smoothies, fancy coffee drinks, all kinds of electronic music, swing music, Nightshade, shiny coins, dancing
Dislikes: "Tough guys"/macho attitudes, country music, aggressive idiots
Leg warmers are stockings, sometimes colorful necklaces