Some goals I have for this 2 months, I need money and I'm sorry i have to ask My Commission Price List and Terms of Service:
I need help for: - Moving, I need money to help my family move from an apartmanet to my grandma's house - Glasses, I haven't had in a long time and I'm starting to get headaches and I can't stay in front of the computer for long, I don't if it affects my art but I keep trying - College, After some time I'll be able to enter college again and I need money to pay for classes - internet bill, this is more a debt I have to my dad because he did a contract instead of letting me just cancel the internet, I want to say is in part my fault but I'm tired of thinking that, even thought i didn't want him to "help" i need to force me to cut stuff and be more aggressive
There are other stuff but I don't want to ask more and I want to know how much i can get from my drawings now. Thanks for reading and supporting me in any way, I'll still be drawing and uploading until i can't. My Commission Price List and Terms of Service: Support me on my Patreon or donate to my paypal .me /thevgbear