Matt getting home from work one night seeing that Brian's car was parked in their driveway, so he parks beside him and walks in tossing his uniform downstairs. ``hey Sierra, is Brian here? I didn't know he was stopping over tonight.'' Matt hearing her ``yea we're sitting in the living room. Just talking about something from work.'' Matt walking to the room sitting on the couch with them ``so what's up? They talking about kidnapping more kids to torture like me?'' Brian smirking ``no, those groups were shut down years ago. We were talking about how my evaluation is coming up and I don't have anyone to show my skills off against during it. My last partner had an... accident.'' Matt raising an eyebrow and Sierra shrugged ``an experiment broke out somewhat last week and put the guy in critical condition. A need to know basis sorta thing. Brian subdued it though.'' Brian looking at the window, ``yea but if I was quicker, he'd still be able to walk. I was to focused on my orders to investigate something else.'' Matt picking at something under his nail, ``so why stop talking when I get home? Something I'm missing because I heard you two get quieter when I came in.'' The two of them looking at each other until Brian sighed, ``well the thing is that we were wondering if you wanted to be my training partner for the exam. You can say no.'' Matt raising an eyebrow ``you know I'm not much of a fighter. Not anymore at least, so you need more of a punching bag that won't break. But I know how important it is for your job, so I'll do it. Just tell me when.'' Brian smiling ``really? Thanks man, that means a lot to me. The exam is this weekend at the base. Sierra will take you there, thanks again for this but I gotta go to work and tell them we're still able to perform the testing.'' Sierra tossing Brian his coat, ``here you left this in the breakroom earlier. See you later.'' Matt waving bye, ``see ya. Just try not to kill me.'' Brian laughing as he walked out to his car to go to work and then home glad Matt was going to let him beat him up for the sake of a promotion.
That weekend Matt was driven to the SWORD base camp by Sierra who took him to an armored door and slid her keycard which opened the door looking at him, ``you know what to do, take the left hall and follow it. Your gear is on a table, I'll be watching from the observation room. Good luck.'' Matt nodding nervously as he walked in getting flashbacks of his past. The last time he had walked through these doors he was trapped in a feral animal form and thought he was about to be executed by a SWORD goon who was Brian in disguise. After he split off down the left hall he passed a breakroom where some employees were talking about their rotations down in the labs which he ignored and opened the door labeled `TRAINING HALL' when he walked in he picked up a combat knife with a trigger on it though the knife itself was very dull. A voice then chimed in over a speaker ``Matt that is a stun knife we use for training. That trigger will send a current of electricity through the blade with the force of a taser. That's your weapon in this. When you're ready just walk into the next room and we'll begin.'' Matt rolling the knife in his hand getting a feel for it for a few minutes giving a few test slashes and stabs nodding to himself before walking into the giant room that was well lit with Brian catching targets from the air being shot at him with his powers. The triangle of fur on his chest glowing light blue through his shirt, and when he heard the door shut, he turned around grinning at Matt, ``good to see you didn't chicken out.'' Matt crouching down holding his knife, ``why wouldn't I turn down a chance to hand your tail to you?'' The two of them hearing over the intercom an old man's voice ``Brian Meno, your tests have been preforming well in both defensive and lethality. Your next test is to see how well you can perform a non-lethal takedown. You both have stun knives your goal is to subdue the other... begin.'' Matt barely having time to think before Brian rushed him which he dodged and swung back missing him by a mile.
For the next few minutes Matt and Brian were exchanging blows with punches and kicks trying to slow the other down which didn't matter much as Brian was surprisingly nimble for his size and Matt was able to take most of the hits by just powering through them. Brian jumping back looking a bit annoyed ``enough of this!'' And in a second the world went black around Matt as Brian had used his illusion powers to make the world appear blacker than night around him and he knew he was in trouble as he felt a high powered shock to his side making him yell in pain. Matt panting as he knew that first shock had nearly taken him down and Brian was just going easy on him, and remembering how his friends' powers worked he closed his eyes and strained his ears hearing Brian's footsteps near his left as he swung the taser knife in that direction feeling it snag the wolf's shirt but little else as his opponent's weapon came down sending a bigger jolt through his body making Matt's eyes roll back in his head passing out cold on the floor. Brian sighing as he removed the illusion looking down at his torn shirt that caused Matt's knife to graze off and while he wasn't shocked his fur stood on end ``mind getting a stretcher down here? He's out cold and I don't feel like dragging him all the way up there.'' The old voice responding ``well done. We are sending someone down to pick him up, the council will review your records and testing from today to see if you earned your raise. Feel free to take a break with your friends in the meantime.'' Brian walking towards the exit as Sierra walked in pushing a wheelchair helping Matt get into it clumsily slurring ``good jerb. I bit my thoung.'' Sierra patting him on the shoulder ``hey you're just exaggerating, let's go get some lunch. The cafeteria has a buffet going on today for the employees.'' Matt enjoying the ride feeling his toes again from the stunning after a couple of minutes.
The three of them eating a large lunch in the cafeteria Matt looking out the window seeing it starting to snow, ``so, sorry about your shirt Brian.'' ``Ah don't worry about it. I got lucky more than anything that you swung your knife early, I'll be honest; I can deal a lot of damage with my powers and skills but I can't take a hit.'' Matt swallowing a big mouthful of food, ``so, I know you can clearly take down someone without killing em, but what kind of weapons do you get if you're allowed to? Just crush their bones with your telekinesis?'' Brian shaking his head ``no that doesn't usually work because of what we go against. Usually I use my knives.'' Brian's chest glowing blue as a dozen very thin black blades fly out of his coat floating behind him, ``these things with enough concentration can punch through a six-inch steel plate. You can imagine what will happen if it hits something fleshy. And if it's not fleshy or blades don't work, I'll just hit em with my beam.'' Matt raising an eyebrow while Sierra slid away as Brian raised a hand and the lights around them flickered for a minute until a ball of blue electricity was in his hand. ``I can gather the electric current from around me with my powers and generate a ball of plasma. But it's hard to use. One wrong move and I'd probably blow my arm off. Though most of the time I use it as an overpowered stun attack, a lethal level is a bit past what I can do in combat with how long it takes to charge.'' With a sigh Brian released the control over the energy letting it dissipate around them and Sierra stood up. ``Well my break is over. I gotta go back to my patrols, I drew the short straw this week and need to keep an eye on level 426. I hate that place; it gives me the creeps.'' Brian nodding ``that floor is cursed if you ask me. Don't even wanna know what twisted stuff they do down there.'' Matt looking at the floor due to that number sparking a bad feeling in the back of his head he couldn't place mumbling to Sierra ``I'll see ya later.'' Sierra putting on her dark helmet and layered vest making her look more like she was going into combat compared to a patrol waving bye to the two boys. When they were done with their meal Brian stood up ``hey you wanna see my office?'' Matt crossing his arms ``am I allowed to?'' Brian nodding tossing him a card, ``now you are. Let's go.''
The two of them walking down a flight of stairs to a room filled with cameras and computers, Matt looking around seeing images of various labs and rooms where everyone was busy at work ``impressive. You just need to sit in here all day and kick an experiment's ass if it breaks out?'' Brian taking a seat ``pretty much. Though if I get promoted, I'll be leading my own patrol team like Sierra's.'' Matt continuing to look around the room for a few minutes until the lights started to flash red and alarms blared making them jump back Matt saying ``did I do that?! Sorry!'' Brian clenching his fists looking at a monitor ``dammit! Looks like something just destroyed a lower level door and it put the building in lockdown. Just perfect. Come on, we need to get some answers.'' Matt jogging behind Brian who was angrily walking towards what looked to be a boardroom and when he yanked the door open, he was in a rage ``what do you assholes think you're doing?! I was told sub-level 482 was emptied after the breach last week!'' Several older and well-dressed people looking at him and Matt with distain in their eyes ``you cannot stop the work we are doing. It is vital that research continues, or you don't get a paycheck. Look if you're worried about it Leviathan squad is already approaching the breach now to contain it.'' One of the men hitting a button on their chair pulling up a display with Sierra's name on the monitor ``Sierra are you able to hear us? Mr. Meno is throwing a tantrum up here and can you reassure him that you have everything under control?'' Matt and Brian hearing Sierra ``truthfully sir I can't say anything yet. My team is investigating the rooms down below. From what it looks like is the containment rooms were torn apart. The walls were painted a fresh red too from the geeks down there unfortunately. Figure I'll ask, what is the procedure for whatever is down here?'' An older bear saying sternly ``capture if possible, terminate if necessary.'' The group hearing Sierra respond after a pause ``understood.''
Sierra holding her rifle in her hands switching to her electrical rounds ordering her squad of five to do the same hearing a crash down the hall and yelling in pain. The six guards switching on their lights looking around for the source seeing a scientist dead against a computer with a huge creature glaring at them. The creature looking like a hybrid between several large beasts mixed together, Sierra ordering ``let's drop this killer!'' The group opening fire with their non-lethal weapons making the creature flinch until it lunged at one of them tearing into their armor with its claws ending the soldier quickly making the rest of them fall back in slight panic. Sierra shouting ``scatter! We'll regroup on the next floor where we can barricade it up ahead.'' Brian and Matt spinning around as they heard the door slam open and a doctor stormed in ``what is the meaning of this!? I thought we had that lab on the highest security!'' The higher ups looking frustrated at the fact that more people were in their private meeting room ``you know full well we did. As you can hear Leviathan squad is working to contain the experiment.'' The group looking back to the speaker hearing Sierra panting as she was doubled over on her floor looking for any other members of her team ``fuck! I don't know what the hell you made down here but it just took out my whole squad. We've contained it in the room before here but it's going to bust down the door any minute. I think this level needs to be purged to stop this damn thing for good... the boys in the lab are monitoring my vitals as usual, if they drop you burn this half of the facility to the ground.'' The look on Matt's face was a look of pure rage looking at the doctor ``it seems these board asshats aren't going to do anything while Sierra gets herself killed. How can I stop this thing? I heard enough from what the guards were yelling that it was healing from any wounds they dealt and it seems like it always has different tricks... it can transform and heal like me can't it?'' The doctor looking at the ground ``yes. Come with me you two. We'll put a stop to this.'' Matt and Brian running after the scientist as they headed for a laboratory worried about the wellbeing of Sierra.
When they got to the laboratory Matt and Brian looked concerned about what to do as the doctor turned on a computer revealing a display with the word `Sierra' on it with a heartrate that was racing and other vitals listed along with five other names and vitals that had all flatlined. ``I equipped Leviathan squad with gear so we can monitor their vitals at all times in the event we're disconnected. She's the only one left and it looks from all the readings that she's either running for her life or in a fight. We need to save her.'' The doctor looking at the safe in the wall walking over to it typing in a combination and putting her thumb on the scanner making it beep and swing open revealing two syringes. When she walked back Matt put his hand over his eyes, ``I was about to ask. How do we kill something like me? I don't even know how we'd do it... but you kept that damn stuff? I'm not touching it; you carry it Brian.'' Brain raising his eyebrow clearly ready to go and stop the experiment taking the syringes in his hands putting them on his belt with a small carabiner ``what are these?'' The doctor pointing to the one on the left side ``that one is a high-powered neurotoxin we created specifically to kill Matt years ago. We've since improved the formula to be able to take out stronger creatures and experiments. The one on the right is a concentrated form of the chemical we used to give Matt his powers in the first place. Injecting it into him will increase his powers drastically. At least for a little bit.'' Brian handing it to Matt who shuddered ``yea but the last thing I remember you guys testing on me before I broke out was something that looked a lot like that injector.'' The doctor avoiding his gaze ``well yes, it is very similar to that. But we've also improved that, it'll give you massive strength to defeat your clone and.'' ``Wait what!? You cloned me?!'' The doctor clearly getting frustrated with him grabbing his arms ``we'll discuss this later! Go and save my daughter if you can! Please... I'm begging you, keep her safe. And if she's too far gone... bring her back to me please.'' Matt sighing looking at Sierra's heart monitor that was beeping fast as she fled or fought for her life. ``don't worry. I'll get her back. Give me the shot Brian. We'll need it.'' Brian sliding up Matt's sleeve looking at him as he pushed down the plunger to do who knows what to Matt who leaned against the wall groaning in pain for a moment before standing up straight walking to the door silently only grunting, ``let's go.'' Brian running behind him holding a keycard for the elevator they entered.
As they rode the elevator that was rapidly descending Brian kept looking at Matt, ``are you feeling okay?'' Matt clenching his fists as his body grew in size from the increase in muscles until it was straining his shirt while he watched the floor numbers go lower to their destination ``yes. I was afraid of that stuff. You remember how I told you I lost my memories, the last thing I remember seeing was that injector.'' Brian nodding ``I see. Listen, thanks for doing this for me. You have no connections to this place anymore if I can help it, I mean sure these nutcases may've cloned you to experiment on but it's not your mess you have to clean up.'' Matt putting a hand on his friend's arm ``honestly? I'm not doing this for them, I'm doing this for Sierra and you. I have a pretty good idea as to what my powers can do in the wrong hands and that's why I need to put a stop to this. Also I remember what you said earlier, about not being all to sturdy when you're using your powers... let me take your hits and you hurt this thing from afar.'' Brian seeing that they were almost to the lowest floor the elevator could reach just before where Sierra was supposed to be as he took a combat knife out of his coat handing it to Matt ``I'll be the sword.'' ``And I'm your shield.'' Matt turning the knife in his hand seeing the doors slide open stepping out in front of Brian looking around for anything that may be hiding not seeing or hearing anything waving him forward.
The two of them proceeding slowly until they heard grunting and a sidearm firing down the hall making them sprint towards the noise seeing the experiment holding Sierra by the neck while she struggled and kicked at its grinning face which looked at Matt and Brian saying in a gravely voice ``so weak. All that remains is for me to kill every last person in this base.'' Matt shouting ``put her down! Come with us and we won't have to kill you!'' The clone looking at Matt laughing ``so you came to me! Wonderful we can tear this place down together. We share a mind after all.'' Brian using his powers to draw all 20 of his knives he had throughout his uniform out making them levitate around them aimed at the clone ``he said put. Her. Down.'' The clone shrugging before showing them a clawed hand red with blood digging into Sierra's side making her scream before he threw her at a wall where she landed with a THUD. As soon as Matt saw this he sprinted towards his enemy with the intent to kill him while all of the knives floating in the air shot like missiles past him. Matt attacking the clone which was still larger than him thanks to all the various augmentations and the changes that the clone had used his powers to do, the fox slicing the knife into the side of his target wanting to do as much damage as possible as he drove his knife into the clone's side.
The clone looking at him ignoring the blades slicing into his skin causing wounds that healed nearly instantly while he laughed ``you fools! They used more experiments on me than you and I'm numb to your attacks! And any wounds you do to me are useless!'' Matt spinning around just in time to see a huge fist coming down on his head dropping him to the floor like a pile of rocks while the clone pulled one of the knives that Matt had driven into his side out. ``these blades are quite deadly. Perhaps I should slit this fox's throat and see if he gets back from that. Then after that I kill you and that woman over there if she's still breathing.'' Brian starting to panic a bit at the situation seeing Matt stirring while Sierra's body was still moving a bit from the occasional breath ``I'm not stopping until you're dead! You'll pay for what you did down here!'' Brian focusing his powers to make a ball of electricity launching it at the clone which did hit him causing him to stiffen from his muscles spazzing. ``AH! Fine! I'll kill you first!'' The clone throwing the bloody knife at Brian aiming to kill him with it, though luckily the wolf was able to jump out of the way partly which keep the knife from killing him. Instead it drove deep into his leg making him fall to the floor yelling in pain. The clone walking over to him putting a foot on his chest pressing down feeling Brian's ribs start to flex ``I'll put my foot right through your heart. That'll make sure you can't fight back. And I have some plans for that female over there. Shame you won't be around to see them.'' Brian gasping for air as he grabbed at the clone's leg, trying to fight off the pressure on his chest feeling his ribs start to crack thinking this was how he was going to die until he heard a scream of rage from Matt who promptly tackled the clone off Brian. The black wolf wheezing as he rolled over seeing Matt on top of the clone having changed into a beast-like form of his own slamming his fists into the experiment with bone-crushing force on each strike clearly lost in his rage. Brian dragging himself over towards the beating taking the toxin off his belt stabbing it into the clone making him go ridged as it quickly went to work taking them out of the fight permanently. And even though the clone was finished Matt was still pummeling the clone's head blind with rage.
``Matt., We did it. Come on, we gotta get Sierra some help, or she might die.'' Matt looking at his friend, his eyes still filled with hatred, his fists covered in blood from the now dead clone as well as his own from the force of his punches having broken his knuckles which healed rapidly, Matt nodding ``yes. It's over. I'll carry her back to the elevator; will you be okay?'' Brian pulling a medkit off the wall wrapping bandages around his wounded leg gritting his teeth from the pain, ``I'll live. Might have a limp though.'' Matt getting up picking up Sierra lightly in his arms walking towards the elevator looking at her, ``don't worry. We'll get you fixed up.'' Sierra putting a hand on his chest softly as the three entered the lift which closed on its own and shot up towards the main facility where Matt stood and Brian leaned against the wall in silence only panting with a hand on his chest. When the doors slid open there were a mob of doctors with stretchers and wheelchairs waiting for them, Matt putting Sierra on the stretcher looking at them ``make sure she's okay. Please.'' The doctors nodding one saying, ``we've put her back together before we can do it again.'' Meanwhile Brian collapsed onto a wheelchair from the flow of blood down his leg making him weak, also the fact that his ribs were likely crushed, and he could barely breathe. One of the remaining doctors seeing this running to his chair pushing him to the infirmary to be treated as well.
Matt sighing as he released the form he was in going back to normal, looking at his torn clothes wanting to do nothing but shower and lie down nearly getting plowed over as Sierra's mother hugged/tackled him in tears constantly thanking him for getting her back relatively safely. Matt smiling ``hey don't thank me yet. They still need to make sure she'll be okay.'' Sierra's mother wiping away her tears looking at him ``thank you. I can never repay you for what you've done for me today.'' Matt holding his head grinning ``well I might have a concussion from the clone nailing me in the head pretty good. But after they check me out would you mind answering some questions for me?'' The doctor nodding happily walking in front of him ``right this way!'' Once Matt had gotten to the lab with a scanner he lied down on a stretcher while the machine worked to see if he had any internal damage he didn't know about. About 15 minutes later he was looking at a screen with the doctor ``so any brain damage?'' Sierra's mother looking at the screen for a minute before shaking her head ``you're all good it looks like. You're lucky. Also, while you were in the CAT scan, I got a message from the surgeons working on Sierra. Seems that she'll make a recovery but she's going to be in surgery for the rest of the afternoon to finish patching her up. That clone did a lot of internal damage to her.'' Matt breathing a sigh of relief at that ``what about Brian?'' ``He'll live, he did need a blood transfusion and has some ribs that are broken which punctured a lung. Overall, he did get lucky, but he isn't leaving tonight... by the way, you said you had some questions for me?'' Matt simply nodding ``a couple, but I am not going to be mad at you completely. I'm sure you were just following orders. First, why clone me in the first place? What were you hoping to get out of all of this?''
Sierra's mother sighing ``well, you were the only test subject that could actually survive the process of giving the powers of shapeshifting and healing to a person. There's that and the fact that it could provide countless cures to diseases and wounds... I mean look at my daughter. Though some of my bosses thought it'd be better suited for combat and infiltration wanting to sell the clones to the highest bidder as soldiers that could heal from most anything and get into restricted areas with ease. Did that answer your question?'' Matt crossing his arms, ``yea I kinda figured most of that out myself to be honest. Though I will say this, I don't blame that clone for wanting to kill everyone here, I wanted the same thing when you were testing me back when I was young. All those tests and experiments were nothing short of torture.'' The doctor looking very depressed at what he said, ``I know what you mean, but we were ordered to make progress. Now we need to get better security down there in case of any other breakouts.'' Matt taking one of Brian's knives he picked up out of his pocket holding it to the doctor's neck glaring at her. ``You may be Sierra's mother but if I get word that you are making more clones of me, I'm going to come back and finish what that clone wanted done. I'll kill each head of this place and burn the labs to hell. You know they can't stop me, and I was talking to Brian about it, he's on my side too. Make sure that you tell them that, the last thing you want loose in here is an experiment with a grudge and knows how to use their powers properly.'' The doctor looking at him terrified at the rage in his eyes that still hadn't fully gone away but after a few seconds of thought she nodded silently finally mumbling ``I understand. I'll make sure they know what you told me about your feelings... come on, let's go see Brian, he should be out by now.'' Matt putting away the knife following the doctor bottling his rage back up like always hoping that it'd not come to using his blind fury that he had unleashed against the experiment. Something about that power had felt like he was capable of much more, but he was nervous as to what it really was.
When they got to the hospital room Brian was propped up with his leg in a cast from the knife the clone threw at him having hit the bone and lots of bandages around his chest. The wolf looking at them waving ``hey Matt, they put me back together. I got the good painkillers too!'' Matt smirking at his friend sitting next to the bed, ``well it's good to see you're mostly okay. From what the doctor told me is that Sierra is going to make a recovery too. It's just going to take a bit longer for her.'' Brian looking at him smiling until the doctor walked away so they can talk in private where Matt told him about what they had discussed and how he warned her about his plan to get payback if needed. Brian sighing ``yea I hope that doesn't come down to it. Not for my sake, but yours. The way you acted down there was like something took control of you and all you wanted was to kill. But at the same time, I didn't feel threatened, almost like you knew what you wanted to hurt and what you wanted to protect... honestly? I'd be surprised if they didn't ask you if you wanted to join the security teams with that kind of power.'' Matt shaking his head ``never. They'd have to drag me here and have a damn good reason for that if they wanted me to help them. Well I gotta get going home I got some things I still wanna take care of. Give me a call if you hear anything else about Sierra. They said that I can pick her up in a few days because they want to make sure she's stable.'' ``I will. See ya.'' Matt patting Brian on the shoulder walking out of the building towards his truck to go home with plenty on his mind, most of the things on it though he wished he could forget.