This was the first pic of Talyn my first Sauroid character. Here with this pic I'll include some information on him and his species.
Talyn. A member of the Sauroid species. His kind evolved on earth 65 million years ago near the end of the reign of the dinosaur. Their kind were advanced enough to see the meteors coming. They lashed out and managed to divert the smaller one. But not soon the larger of the two. But luckily their kind had been preparing for a catastrophe and had a large ship which was newly built in orbit. Fearing the worst they sent as many as the ship could carry along with the necessary materials to rebuild on a journey across the stars. Those who had to stay behind sadly died out. But those who left survived. Traveling at relativistic speeds they make their way to a new home in five generations and began the long process of settling their new home and populating it with the dinosaurs they knew so well from earth.
In time their species advanced once more and found better means of spaceflight that could shortcut journeys across the stars and the first place they went to was their old home. However they're journey from it although only taking a few generations for them on the ship had taken millions of years to the rest of the universe. They now came back to earth just in time to see our species rise. Their home had changed radically from what it once was. Yet even after so long they still felt a connection to it. A Kinship to their old home which gave them life. When humanity reached a level they deemed sufficient they made contact.
Since that date their kind had managed to gain permission to settle back on earth once again. In return for advancements in technology. The Sauroids agreed and were thusly given the one place no nation on earth had claim to. Antarctica. The continent however was shaped and reformed though. The great amounts of ice turned into the tallest moutain on earth in which were carved the likeness of every dinosaur species on their world with their own kind Standing in two places. Around the bottom as guards and at the top watching over those below.
In this picture we see Talyn. He's a member of their kind's security forces and a bit of a freelancer too but he's always available when his people have need of him. He's ultimately a kind person but is selective about certain things. For example. If he has a long time enemy trapped and begging for it's like Talyn will take the smart rout and kill him quickly. His feeling on the issue being. "A dead man with honor is still a dead man." He'll be as honorable as he can but honor isn't something Talyn is willing to die or let someone die for. He's rather smart knowing many languages and is a very good shot with any weapon. He's also good in hand to hand combat and melee combat as well. We see him here walking a walk way in a city on the coast of their world which they have dubbed. "New Terra".
12 years, 11 months ago
24 Mar 2012 20:38 CET
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