Hello there. It’s been a while since I uploaded something of my own. Here is a fight scene between Po and Fenghuang, a villainess of Kung Fu Panda Legends of Awesomeness. Fenghuang was always my favorite villain due to her past as the strongest member of the Furious Five in her generation, surpassing Shifu despite being the favorite student of Oogway. All of her episodes show her as a very deathly threat to the main cast. Her fighting style is one of the most efficient ones, using her wings, talons, blades, and chi for a wide arsenal of techniques. She exceeds at ground and aerial combat, can switch between offense and defense in the span of a second, and she can alternate between grappling, striking, slashing, and blasting with wings and talons with extreme fluidity. In this art piece, Fenghuang exploits a weakness of Po, his chubby cheeks. Using the strong grip of her talons, Fenghuang squishes those cheeks, twists them, and stretches them. The Dragon Warrior screams in agony as the owl’s talons give him the Kung-Fu version of a grandma cheek pinch. This art piece was created because in every Fenghuang episode, there’s a close-up of her talons when she’s about to pull a finishing move on her opponents, like an owl hunting its prey. I thought to make a picture and create a finishing move for Fenghuang at the same time.
Po and Fenghuang belong to Dreamworks Art belongs to