Character Sheet for Charles Vincent (aka Charlene Veronica) Seed
Blur, Cutie-Butt, Vyxxxyn
Asian small-clawed otter/North American river otter
31 (at time of introduction)
Character Description
Girly, horny, kind, becomes nervous easily, wisecracking, sarcastic, can be a smartass (deadpan snarker)
Likes: Singing, playing his guitar, poledancing/stripping, baseball, savate, drinking, tattoos, French/Cajun cuisine
Dislikes: Bad news, the Big Four
Raymond Seed (father), Loretta Seed (mother), Shoshanna Katz (reluctant baby mama), Nathan Katz (bastard son), Danny Wright (boyfriend/eventual husband)
Charlie exists (for now, anyway) in Twiggy's own personal canon, Dreads of Fire. This universe entails a cyberpunk setting where a quartet of big syndicates are in charge of what is more or less the entire United States. Twiggy assembles her own syndicate to try and wipe them out. More info on this TBA.
They're curvy with a big butt.
Japanese schoolgirl uniforms, Catholic schoolgirl uniforms, short dresses of all kinds, mini-skirts, thigh-highs, Mary Janes, panties of all types (when feeling like a girl, everyday) Jeans, hoodies, Chuck Taylors, windbreakers, music/nerdy t-shirts (when feeling like a boy, everyday), g-strings/thongs of all types (regardless of what gender they feel like), nightgowns, silk pajamas, or nothing at all (sleepwear)
They always carry their signature triple-barreled sawed-off shotgun which they deem "The Problem Solver" (pictured center-left) as well as their signature spiked bat which they lovingly named "Monica" (pictured upper-left). Charlie can use many other weapons as shown on the sides of this sheet. What he can use is not limited to this pic.