One mild mannered mid morning, Hare Force was running with the rookie gun bunny with an unusual penchant for almost never missing her targets, even at long range or behind objects, she had a knack for ricocheting bullets around cover, earning her the code name Rikochet. Hare Force was teaching her to roof jump and land safely when a fireball hit the edge of the roof and a loud maniacal laugh followed.
Hare Force jumped in front of a second fireball and blocked it with one of his own then looked down to see two rabbits, one young and in a full body suit with flame marks and an eye mask, the other wearing red spandex briefs, a bandana style mask that covered his eyes as well, and an abbreviated top with a cape. It appears the maniacal one was the leader of the two and, Rikochet noted, attractive even for a clear villain. She and Hare Force dropped down and she drew her gun as Hare Force took a martial arts stance, the rabbit in the fire suit, Torch, grinned at her and his hands ignited, Syco, the appropriately named maniacal leader rushed Hare Force but showed no sign of what his powers were. Sylo and Hare Force engaged each other in hand to hand combat, each one well skilled in their disciplines, of which it seemed they both knew many. Rikochet rolled to dodge another fireball and shot at Torch, but he blasted her bullet with a constant stream of fire, until her bullet fell to the ground and collapsed on itself, softened by the extreme heat. She ducked behind cover as Torch started to light the roof up near her, trying to trap her.
Syco was stalemating Hare Force, each other attacking and counter attacking the other, occasionally getting some light blows in, Hare Force had some blood leaking from his mouth, Syco from his nose and neither paid their light wounds any mind. Hare Force, realizing Rikochet was in trouble, made a break for Torch and was met with fire, but he pushed through it until he grabbed Torch and froze his arms up to the elbows then delivered a chop to the back of his head, stunning the young bunny. He turned around with the near unconscious fire bunny held up by one arm to see Syco, bleeding from the lower torso where a bullet grazed him above his belt, holding Rikochet at gunpoint, with the gun still in her hand but tucked under her muzzle, a small wafting scent of burned fur carrying downwind towards Hare Force. She looked angry, but with a hint of fear that the maniacal leader had manhandled her so easily, the pouch of his briefs pressing against her rump didn't make it any better as the red eyed rabbit laughed in her ears. "It seems both of our pupils need to be worked on, eh Hare Force, but it looks like I have the upper hand here, I could kill yours, with her own gun even. What an embarrassing way to die, by ones own weapon, what will you do, can you surrender, or will you let her die?"
Stay tuned to see what happens next, will Hare Force be able to save his younger side kick, or will the psychotic Syco be victorious?
:iconAerokat: drew this awesome piece and owns the attractive psycho Syco and youngster villain in training, Torch.
Hare Force and Rikochet both belong to me.
Hare Force and Torch really went at it in their fight on the roof tops while Kadmiel engaged Syco in paw to paw combat as he got too close for her gun to be effective. The female bunny was good but Syco was smarter, and a little bit faster, enough to keep her playing defense.
Torch used his fists of flame attacks against Hare Force but was starting to realize the deceptively youthful bunny was hard to roast, Keeping his own temperature warm enough to try and keep Hare Force from attacking with an intense heat wave, he pressed his attack but any burns and even the smell of singed furs didn't seem to even faze the blue bunny, he wasn't even trying to dodge. Torch raised his paws above his head and formed a giant fireball that he slammed into the roof, crumbling a hole into it that dropped all four bunnies into a room below.
Kadmiel lost her gun in the fall and retreated into another room to get some distance from Syco, who pursued her and cornered her. The fire system was triggered, causing Torch to retreat before it could douse his youthful fire, Hare Force stalked the firey bunny only to find Syco had Kadmiel in a sleeper hold, and she was already on her knees as he gloated in her ears. "Not to worry little girl, I can find several uses for you to serve me and my hot headed companion, a collar of controlled compliance should look nicely seated around your little neck."
Torch stood with his back to Kadmiel and Syco as fire spread over his hands and illuminated the hall around him while the girl bunny tried to pull the laughing psycho's arm off her neck for just a little air as he hovered so closely behind her. As Hare Force entered the room, a frosty aura of ice elemental powers spread over his hands and he stomped towards Torch, intent on cooling him off.
Can Hare Force defeat Torch in time to save his junior partner, or will Kadmiel pass out and be captured as Torch buys his senior villain partner time who's gleefully gloating into her ears?
Credit to aerokat for drawing this scene
Syco and Torch belong to her
Hare Force and Kadmiel belong to me.
4 years, 8 months ago
11 Jul 2020 14:46 CEST
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