One might mistake this fragile-looking egg for a glass sculpture if they didn't know better. Though it has a glassy texture and feels light and fragile, the egg is surprisingly sturdy and resistant to scratching. One can almost see an embryo developing inside, though the shell isn't quite translucent enough to see detail.
The egg has hatched into a winged serpent, its scales smooth and glossy, interlocking to form a watertight coating. Since hatching, it's had an increasingly determined tendency to hoard shiny objects, particularly anything made from glass. Though a researcher can keep it relatively entertained during handling, the moment they leave it alone it returns to its playthings, often breaking something in the process as it tries to lift something larger and heavier than itself. Of course, this only serves to give the hatchling smaller shards of broken glass to play with, but it never seems to injure itself on the edges.