Hay everypony! I finally finished my long awaited fanfic that is based off of three cards from the game Twilight Sparkle's Secret Shipfic Folder. For a short rundown before I get into the explanation on why I wrote something based off the flavor text of three cards; a pony named Caramel wants to be feminine, but he is very scared to confront that part of him. He ends up going to a spa to get a makeover.
More detailed explantion: The game I’m talking about has many different fanfics on the cards, some matching, some not having any other matches in the deck, however the ones on which I made the story based off of spoke to me a lot, because it's about a boy trying out more fem things. As a boy myself who is also into being more fem, I knew that I have felt some feelings that others might not have, so I though I was a perfect candidate for writing this. (The game is about making fanfics via mashing pony character cards and ship cards together, so not surprising that there was some weird cards I like eventually lol)
(WARNING SPOILERS TO STORY, although somewhat medium spoilers) Link to pictures