Novadyne is hardly a military powerhouse, preferring instead to rely on trade and negotiation with their massive supply of resources as incentive for peaceful relations.
The Wayfarer armor is basic gear for elite Immortals often charged with guarding caravans, supply depots and other points of corporate interest. It lacks the overall strength and combat enhancement seen in most other armors, instead focusing on systems that allow long term wear and aid in long treks over all manner of hazardous terrain. A high end sensor suite and enviornmental sealing make for excellent scouting armor while the power supply pack has an extended life useful for many different applications.
Wayfarers have no specialist weapon attachments or common modifications on their own, but coordination between units using common MASER rifles along with various heavy arms are more than enough to deal with most threats
By contrast, Gladiators such as Bladedancers are far more refined if under armed combatants. A favored weapon is the NZ blade, swords with edges chilled to near absolute zero by superconductor lacing. Carrying such weapons requires a great degree of skill to avoid self harm but their effect on heavy armor can be even more devastating than hard light blades in the right hands.