This story revolves around a Soldier known as Clare "Longview" Tavin and two KelCo. Insurance Society employees, Nevada Tapps and Sarah Cynewulf, who follow her around in order to minimize the damages inevitably caused by her appearance. Most of the damage attributed to Clare is actually caused by bounty hunters in pursuit of the sixty billion double dollar bounty on Clare's head for the destruction of the city of July. However, She cannot remember the incident due to retrograde amnesia, being able to recall only fragments of the destroyed city and memories of his childhood. Throughout his travels, Clare tries to save lives using non-lethal force. She is occasionally joined by a priestess, Amber R. Clover, who, like Clare, is a superb gunfighter with a mysterious past. As the series progresses, more about Clare's past and the history of civilization on the planet Gunsmoke is revealed.