He would be a very gnarled, bitter and altogether sandy badass of a rattlesnake... that or maybe a horned lizard? I'm getting strong reptilian vibes, but I always do when it comes to Clint Eastwood's anthropomorphic insistence. :3
Thanks for sharing such solid badass artwork!! I love the hell out of your furry art but HOLY DAMN, this is a marvelous piece.
He would be a very gnarled, bitter and altogether sandy badass of a rattlesnake... that or maybe a h
Thanks a lot for the attention; if I had all the time in the world I would do more portraits. I have done a few for family and friends. But it just takes so much time and effort. And however cool Mount Westforest is, he's just not a sexy cat.
Thanks a lot for the attention; if I had all the time in the world I would do more portraits. I have