Chapter 1: Clambwyn
Even with it tucked away within the layers of her clothing, Lounylynn could feel Clambwyn’s device shiver against her body. An occasional pulse reminding her of its presence. Reminding her that it was still there, that they were still there.
The muffled humming called out into the empty halls of the mineshaft that she and her owner considered home. She answered it with sharp, heavy scrapes of rock and metal as she struggled to drag Clambwyn’s body along the ground. Water dripping from the rock ceiling added an uneven beat to the rhythm.
She struggled further forward, as her arms grew tired and her palms sore from gripping onto cloth, the tunnels eventually opening up into a cave, the sounds of scraping going quiet as she came to a stop.
A staircase sat awkwardly at the centre of the cave, where natural stone was replaced with pale tiles.They were surrounded with blue railing, which protruded from the ground. She tugged at the cloth in her mitts, yanking Clambwyn closer to the edge.
She was dreading this next part.
With his weight pushing into her, and a paw on the banister for support, she began to descend the stairs with him.One step at a time, a soft thud, and then another. Taking it slowly, muscles straining against his weight, trying not to lose her step.
Quickly, one step at a time turned into a clumsy multiple steps stumble. Her arms trembling against the pressure of deadweight. Then she lost grip, Clambwyn’s body tumbling down the steps with a clatter of metal on tile, ending in a heavy thud at the bottom.
“Fuck,” said the fox beneath her breath.
Though this was fine, she told herself.The fall couldn’t do him any harm, as he was already dead. It was okay.
He had spilled into an undignified pile at the bottom of the stairs. She rolled him over onto his back to check him over. She confirmed that he was still dead, as she expected, nothing had changed there. He seemed still intact, if still dead; no broken bones to inconvenience her owner with. Inconveniences for her to be punished over.
Which meant it was fine, she wasn’t in trouble, there was nothing to be punished over.
She could relax and take a moment to breathe, sitting at the base of the stairwell besides Clambwyn’s corpse. Boxes of light hummed from the ceiling, some old magic she didn’t understand which illuminated the tunnel, a subtle sound staving off the possibility of an uncomfortable silence.
A calming ambience, soon broken by a jolt of vibration through her body.
[ Clambwyn: today at 7:40 pm ]
Is there a way to stop the vibration?
[ Durrek: today at 7:40 pm ]
The MURDERER returns!
[ Addrista: today at 7:41 pm ]
[ Durrek: today at 7:42 pm ]
Right, right I’m sorry just joking about.
[ Durrek: today at 7:42 pm ]
The abandoned monster-filled mineshaft caretaker person returns.
[ Clambwyn: today at 7:44 pm ]
Is there a way to stop the vibration?
[ Durrek: today at 7:44 pm ]
There is.
[ Clambwyn: today at 7:46 pm ]
Can you tell me how, please?
[ Durrek: today at 7:47 pm ]
I could.
[ Durrek: today at 7:48 pm ]
But I won't.
[ Clambwyn: today at 7:49 pm ]
[ Addrista: today at 7:49 pm ]
Durrek just tell them.
[ Durrek: today at 7:49 pm ]
I will, in exchange for their name!
[ Addrista: today at 7:50 pm ]
[ Durrek: today at 7:50 pm ]
[ Durrek: today at 7:51 pm ]
There’s nothing wrong with giving us a name. It’s just polite!.
[ Clambwyn: today at 7:56 pm ]
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