The second generation of Element Of Harmony need a new bearer. But who gonna be this new bearer and how he/she come to be?…Find out more early on Dark Side Of Hive Mind discord sever for $20 Patron!
Fluttershy did die "young" well young compared to the others.. how she died .. Uhmm.. Dang it now i have to dive into the accepted fan lore.. I think it was something tragic like complications during labor , a curse of some kind or a accident. i don't clearly remember
Fluttershy did die "young" well young compared to the others.. how she died .. Uhmm.. Dang it now i
if the elements always needed multiple wielders then This would also a reason why there was need of a new generation when twilight got chosen with the mane 6 and Celestia wasn't able to use them properly on her own. Also .. Daaaaaaaaang Celestia was Old.
if the elements always needed multiple wielders then This would also a reason why there was need of