Snug and Gear we at home playing rockband until Gear's eyes wondered over to the clock and then he sighed.
Gear: Well I got to get home Bro.
Snug: Aww really?...why don't you just stay here for the night?
Gear: Hmmm well I guess I could...I do pack extra clothes in my bag just in case something happens.
Snug: Well then its your lucky day isn't it?! YEA! *got star power in time!*
Gear: Hehe yea I guess so...well I'mma go take a shower! See you in a few!.
Snug: *Totally didn't listen to that to busy* Mmm
So then the Husky runs upstairs to the bathroom with his bag in tow. He places it on the sink and then quickly grabs a towel off the rack and puts it to where he needs it to be for when he gets out. The Bunny rocking hard on the other paw notices that his blatter is just to full from all the Ribena he's been drinking! The Bun bun places his guitar on the side after pressing pause and quickly bolts up the stairs for a photo finish. With one swift kick Snug makes the door swing open and then looks inside as the Husky stares back shirt still half way taken off.
Gear: BRO!!! KNOCK! I told you I was in here!! *blushes*
Snug: Oh sorry! I didn't hear you! You know how I get when in rockband!
Gear: *throws the towel* Your so lucky! I could have been completely undressed! *blushes more*
Snug: *is hit by the towel before pulling it off and throwing it back* Sorry sorry!! I'll use the downstairs one! *Closes and door and hoofs it downstairs*
The husky stares at the door and finishes taking off his shirt before picking up his towel.
Gear: Wait...whats the point of him coming upstairs to use this bathroom if there's one downstairs?!
Gear shakes his head and continues with his shower as the Bunny hops out of the downstairs bathroom and once again grabs his guitar and parties like a rockstar!