When Limon's sensitive ears noticed rummaging and the rustling of dishevelled papers, the fox could already imagine what lay ahead of him. A worried look in Jackson's direction confirmed that the bear boy was fishing for something inside his grubby backpack and eventually pulled out a few wrinkled notebooks and textbooks that were scribbled on out of boredom. Heedlessly he let the pile of books drop tot he ground. "There's a lot of work waiting for you!" the bear announced as he parked his fat rump on Limon's bed.
The fennec sighed distressed. To his disadvantage Jackson made it a habit to load his homework onto his shoulders. And today he wasn't even done with his own! Grumbling Limon kneeled down to pick up the mess and and to see what exercises awaited him. "Uff!" While he was busy pushing the books together, Jackson suddenly lifted his stocky legs from the ground and let his huge paws drop on Limon's back to use the desert fox as footrest. The impact hurt and let his whole body tremble before the bear paws' weight settled on him. Jackson's heels uncomfortably pierced into Limon's wiry loins, but he didn't dare to complain. Instead he noticed, "Those are the homework for almost the entire week! I'll need forever to do this!"
Jackson laughed dryly as he grabbed the controller of the GameStation an turned the console on. "Then you'd better hurry. Tomorrow is closing date!"
Deflated Limon began his work in this more than uncomfortable position and did Jackson's homework, while the lazy bear propped up his legs on him and played video games. Soon his knees got sore on the scratchy carpet and his small back hurt terribly. Besides the paw's weight, particularly the crouched posture, Limon felt he was in for an eternity already, was the cause for the burning in his tense muscles. It didn't took long until his neck got stiff and his shoulders ached.
Despite the fact that the bear sat more than comfortable in contrast, Jackson was still dissatisfied. For Limon's taste in video games was boring him tremendously. Speaking of taste! The bear already had a nice idea to further entertain himself! With his thick toes he nudged into Limon's side and chuckled, "How about you take a little break from this and care for my paws a bit?"
Limon groaned. He was not exactly keen to do this, but it was at least a welcome excuse to escape his current position as footstool and to stretch his maltreated back again. It hurt horribly! The warmth of his hands as he rubbed over his sore muscles was the only hint of relief Limon was granted before the bear pressed its paws into his face.
The small fennec has worked his way through this task more times already than he dared to remember and knew exactly what Jackson expected him to do. The musty smell that emanated from the bear paws quickly reached Limon's keen nose and made his fur bristle. With both hands he took hold of the giant paw and gently rubbed his thumbs over the thick, black sole. With closed eyes Limon rolled out his tongue and draw nearer to the blunt surface. The smell became stronger and he felt how Jackson's warmth spread over his face. The fox whimpered softly as he pressed his tongue against the slightly moist and licked over the wrinkled sole. A terribly pungent and salty taste flooded his muzzle and Limon screwed up his face in disgust.
The fat bear laughed as he saw the fox's grimace. "Oh yeah, right! I didn’t have a chance to take a shower after practice today. Hope you don’t mind?"
But Limon knew that this was a lie. Jackson didn't shower on purpose after training when he came over. He did this solely to make Limon's work as demeaning and unbearable as possible! The fennec continued regardless, since he wanted to anger Jackson by no means!
So he went on to lick the bear's sweaty paws for as long as he deemed it necessary. He licked over his heel, the arch and also his toes, between whom the nasty taste was particularly intense. The brown fur in this region was downright soaked with sweat. Limon hated it! The thought that his poor, small, sensitive tongue had to explore this repulsive, filthy, fuzzy nook was more than nauseating. It was humiliating and cruel!
If only Limon could put an end to this. If only he had the strength to fight back. If only he held the willpower to tell Jackson to leave him alone. Alas, he simply didn't have this willpower. He just kneeled here pathetically on the floor like the weak, puny fox that he was and licked Jackson's paws on command like a trained slave. He was too weak to say no and this was now his fate!
"By the way," Jackson suddenly spoke, "next weekend I have the run of the house. Make sure your parents let you stay over, I've got some plans for you!"
Limon already dreaded the weekend. But he simply couldn't resist the bear. "Yes, Jackson..." he answered meekly as he dutifully licked on.
But Jackson raised an eyebrow in displeasure. "Hrm?"
Immediately the cowering fox rectified his mistake, "Yes, Sir!" and apologized by pressing his tongue even firmer and longer against the bear's sole. Graciously Jackson seemed to forgive him the blooper.
Quite some time passed and the small desert fox worshiped the lazy bear's paws tirelessly with his tongue and hands, which massaged the enormous muscles pleasantly. Then, at some point, someone knocked at the door. Disdainfully Jackson pushed Limon's head away with one paw and wordlessly pointed his finger towards the door. Obediently the fox hurried to open.
His mother came in and held a plate in hand on which something smelled marvelous. "I've got some freshly baked cookies for you here!" she said with a smile and handed the plate to her son.
"Oh, wow! Thanks, Mrs. Y!" Jackson replied, while his thick, black nose probed the air.
"Well, I don't want to interrupt your homework any longer," the fennec lady continued. "Hope the snack will help you!"
"It sure will!" the bear called after her as the door was shut again. And once the two boys were along again, Jackson beckoned the fox over like a servant. Again the anxious fennec obliged and, upon command, handed the richly filled plate to the bear without objections. Greedily Jackson stuffed two of the tasty treats at once into his broad maw. "Mmh... with chocolate chips!" he remarked as the still warm, fluffy biscuit melted in his mouth. When he noticed that Limon was looking at him with hungry eyes, he returned from his delicious day dream. "Oh, right," Jackson spoke and then pointed his finger down towards his paws. "I think, you weren't quite done down there, were you?"
Disappointed Limon went down on his knees again and pressed his tired snout back against Jackson's bulky paws to worship them further with licks and kisses, while the bear devoured one cookie after another. Not even their heavenly smell was granted him any longer, for all his nose still perceived now was the niff of sweaty bear paws. But this was his lot now. He didn't deserve his mother's glorious, freshly baked chocolate ship cookies, if Jackson could have them!
Apparently Jackson shared this view, since he had emptied the entire plate all by himself. Well, almost the entire plate. A little crumb was still left! "Seems like today is your lucky day, Limon!" the bear laughed as he picked up the tiny crumb. "I left a little bit over for you. It's not much, but a small guy like you doesn't really need much, right? Now gimme a reeeally firm lick, if you want a treat, fox!"
Limon didn't have a choice: Declining Jackson's offer would offend him, and Limon certainly didn't want that! So the small fennec stuck out his exhausted tongue one more time, pressed it firmly against the bear's heel and then licked all the way up to his fuzzy toes. Carefully he peered up to see whether Jackson was content with his answer.
"Well done! Here, you really earned it..." the bear chuckled, before he lifted his paw so that he could stuff the crumb deep in-between his thick, plumpy toes. "There you go! Ain't I generous to share with you like this?" he added with a laugh as he offered the cowering fox his 'treat'.
The fennec starred at the paw presented to him with disbelieve. This was so degrading! Having to lick the remnants of his mother's delicious cookies from Jackson's odious paws. "Yes, Sir! Thank you..." he murmured softly as his muzzle came closer to the bear paw.
Jackson wore a devious smile when he felt how the fox's nose snuggled into his sole. The measly creature tried to wedge its tongue between his toes, but the mean bear pressed them tightly together to confine the cookie crumb there, out of reach for the weary fox tongue. After a few fruitless attempts to reach between the strong toes, the fennec eventually began to suck on them to thus get to the softened crumb. The bear enjoyed how the fox was stuffing his cheeks full with his podgy toes – He should have Limon do this more often!
Tediously Limon sucked the sugary paste out from in-between Jackson's furry toes. And only after Limon had swallowed down every last bit, full of disgust, the bear relaxed his cramped toes again to allow his loyal paw licker to clean the fuzzy interstices with his tongue. Limon did his best to meet Jackson's expectations, for he knew failing to do so would mean that he had to endure even more degrading and probably also painful things!
Once his paws were clean again, Jackson slid off the bed with a satisfied grin. His big, heavy feet landed right in front of the kneeling fox and he chuckled when he saw how Limon flinched. It was the only suitable reaction. His mere presence should imbue this pathetic fox with fear and respect!
Slowly the bear lifted his stocky leg up and then planted his paw on Limon's chest, which got covered almost completely. With ease he pushed the weak body down and thus forced the fox to lay on his back. "Well... I gotta go now. I've got something better to do that to watch how you're doing my homework!" Jackson said in a demeaning tone, while he casually stepped onto the fennec's tiny body to torture him one last time with his bearish weight before he left. "And do the optional exercises too! I need the extra credit to pass the class, is that clear?!" he ordered with a mean twist of the paw that stood on Limon's compressed stomach.
"Urgh... Gah! Y-yes..." the fennec yelped while Jackson rearranged his insides.
Spitefully the bear lifted one of his paws, which drove the one still standing on Limon's belly even deeper into his flesh. Then he let the paw settle down on the fox's distorted face. By simply leaning a bit forward, Jackson shifted enough weight onto Limon's head to pin the helpless desert fox down as if he was stuck in a vice. "Tell me what you are, Limon!" he demanded in an evil tone.
In pain the fox stammered, "I-I am... y-your toy..."
"Good fox!" Jackson commented the answer with a laugh, before he ruthlessly trod down on Limon's tiny skull to walk over the yowling fennec. "Make sure to give me the homework back before class tomorrow!" the bear boy said before he left the room. "See you soon..."
Crying and curling himself up on the floor in pain, Limon was left with a racking headache – and a long evening filled with Math, geography, bio, economy and history to keep him company...
Its really kinky to eat off of someone else's feet like that, only thing kinkier is having to lick post workout feet. Pretty sure that crumb got added flavor between those toes
Its really kinky to eat off of someone else's feet like that, only thing kinkier is having to lick p