Hiya everyone! I'm happy to finally introduce and debut PokéBuns! This sexy story based smut comic is my passion project and brainchild. It is a comic with a full Pokémon themed story set in the new Karot region. The region is home to a 98% anthro population! That's a lot of anthro trainers. ;) The Pokémon are going to be featured in their original designs, meaning there will be no anthro themed Pokemon, they will all look just like the cartoons and games. However! Some of the sexier already anthro ones will be more exaggerated(breasts, and curves) like Gardevoir and Lopunny.
The comic follows the fresh young trainer Bianca on an epic Journey to becoming a Pokémon champion and master! All characters in this comic are my OCs! The comic will be divided into shorter issues. With the first issue planned to be 10 pages or so. There's plenty of sexy smut of Professor Croak and Bianca already on our Patreon if you'd like to check em out and support us and the comic! We'd really love you for it! www.patreon.com/PokeBuns
*Hugs this page* K i wouldn't deny it. Id offer some resistance just to look bad asz but really id turn full snorlax after that and let you catch me. ;D
*Hugs this page* K i wouldn't deny it. Id offer some resistance just to look bad asz but really id t