HYPOTHETICALWATCHER: "I see you have candy, MartenFerret. Have you brought enough for everyone?"
No, but y'all can pass the wrapper around (it still smells like candy)!
*watcher count plummets*
Oh, c'mon! D:
Anyway, what we have here is a pack of 'Happy Nikukyu Paw Gummies'. Its contents are described thus,
"These soft gummy paws are almost too cute! They are sweet *peach flavored and they look like little pet paws. The lovely animals on the package will make you smile. So adorable! The resealable package makes them easy to carry with you and share with your friends. Perfect little snack in the afternoon, or to munch on whenever you feel like cute sweetness!"
*my bag contains honey-flavor
I used Google Translate on 'Nikukyu' ...and received 'meat cues' as a result (I'm sure that's wrong). ^^
Anyway, the character on the package varies from time to time---the one I have is but one among many. :3