The world can appear to us as being gone with the flames. Of sharp things raised, and voices silenced beneath the weight of oppression. There is a great heel which has been upon us....for some the shadow has blocked out even the sun.
And so we begin to believe we are helpless, hopeless...until these feelings begin to drag us lower.
We sit with these beliefs in the world and in ourselves until one day we rise to change things, and make no mistake..whatever we believe in..somewhere deep down inside all we want is to be happy ourselves, in our lives. We deserve to be happy. Somewhere deep down inside our hearts is the truth we deserve to be free. You have strength..It is the same power you have never left you, and you were never alone.
I have the strength inside yourself to stand against the demons you face each and every day, inside and out, even if they are as abundant as they are persistent. Maybe you don't believe in that. Maybe you even truly believe that you are alone, like so many do.
You're not're not're you. You're worth the joys hearing your voice in this world..worth the sorrows ever knowing you were turned away from it. We're going to keep rising, and we're not going to leave you behind. -------------------------------------------