Shopping Momo art for original goods (Tote and Tee) sold online shop. If you have interested in them, let's visit to TinyTail ( *Oversea shipping available
Thank you so much. The website (Booth) will take care of money transaction and order to factory and order to transportation carrier (I cannot touch these procedure). I recommend you to confirm content of your order again and track your item delivery.
If you face trouble, please let them know immediately. Hope you will get Momo Totes and Tees.
Thank you so much. The website (Booth) will take care of money transaction and order to factory and
finally got my shirt and bag. they forgot to put the shirt together with the bag in the package when they sent my order so i had to have it sent again. in total i had to pay 9,000 yen in shipping but i am just glad to finally have this awesome shirt and bag
finally got my shirt and bag. they forgot to put the shirt together with the bag in the package when
Thank you so much. The website (Booth) will take care of money transaction and order to factory and order to transportation carrier (I cannot touch these procedure). I recommend you to confirm content of your order again and track your item delivery.
If you face trouble, please let them know immediately. Hope you will get Momo goods!
Thank you so much. The website (Booth) will take care of money transaction and order to factory and
hey sanae if you don't mind would you draw patty and lory/rolley from maple town as little request. i just saw sip's art and it was nice. but i think hes dead. <l@u@l>
hey sanae if you don't mind would you draw patty and lory/rolley from maple town as little request.