This is a tribute I made during my time in Technical College to one of my favourite Nalvana-Series Care Bears, and one of my favourite Pregfur artists;
of how Grams Bear became a mother again to 5 cubs, at her age;
. I made it look like a sundial, as Grams gets bigger every three months, her shadow increases and she gets younger (as you can tell by her appearance in each figure).
On the whole, I do agree with Wallaroo on how he described Grams as Semi-Elderly, and I happen to agree with her. Not only did she have her own cookery show, but she was able to use her powers twice (once to save Thanksgiving from a evil baker, and to stop Shrieky in turning the Care Bears into plush toys), was into rock 'n' roll and has a motorcycle.
And although her character has made a come-back in the new series, I think the Nalvana edition is the only true Grams Bear.