Whilst working on some requests for this topic when I thought of doing something special for Corrie from Kevin & Kell, who sadly suffered a blow back in February 2019 when she learned that she and Bruno couldn't have children, due to inheriting the same internal architecture from her biological mother, who died during giving birth to Corrie, and discovered that carrying a baby to term would have a high risk of being life threatening to Corrie herself.
This was a unfortunate event to the webcomic (and to some viewers, a last straw because of how horribly biased the comic had became, with several storylines that were... just horrid*), so I came up with this happy little event for the little sheep.
It looks like Ovum-Amp can overcome those genetic problems and make carrying babies as easy as if the belly was full of feather pillows - little wonder Corrie's practically crying with happiness.
But don't worry viewers, even with Carla, it won't be like the Miss Marple mystery "Why Didn't They Ask Evans?", where the mother adopted a girl, then became pregnant with her own kids, only to favour her adopted child to her biological children - I doubt anyone in Kevin & Kell would ever do that (though, I believe Angelique might be an exception...although all her kids were adopted).
(* = Probably due to trolls who insult the comics of Bill Holbrook because of how cheap they look, and don't even care of the fame and awards of his creations)
NOTE 1: I just hope I didn't make her head look too small, compared to her body.
NOTE 2: I hope the pattern on the nightgown is as accurate to Corrie's top as possible, as it was rather difficult to find a lavender with black-and-white pinstripping swatch, even on Google Images, let alone try and recreate it via MS Publisher.