A new type of pandemic that seeped from the realms of YouTube has already claimed the victims of few, including these two mischief makers that apparently seem fine despite adapting to a much more cartoonish appearance. That, along with other symptoms of the so-called "TerminalMontage Syndrome" include, but not limited to, the following:
Spontaneous Combustion Ear-deafening Noises Sudden Urges of Referencing Pop-Cultural Memes Uncontrollable Spinning of the Entire Body Making references to Religion Developing the Power to Speed-Run through Everything
More will be listed as time develops (alsopleasedontgetangryMrTerminalMontage). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes...something silly to involve my characters in when LittleGrayBunny was offering this kind of art-style as a weekly event, and a great way to show appreciation to a talented animator with their "Something About" series. A worth checking the two out for their works~